Welcome, everyone, to our weekly gathering for a chat about spanking. Today's topic was suggested by
Rosco at
last week's brunch, when we discussed who buys the implements. He remarked that "[f]or us it’s mostly whips etc. rather than paddles these days. I wonder how others feel."
So let's answer his question.
What implement(s) are you currently using for spanking? Is there a certain type you usually use, or do you prefer variety?
Leave your response as a comment, and I will publish a summary of our discussion once everyone has had a chance to speak.
I am the spankee, for the most part. My wife uses a few things. One is a wooden paddle we bought at the local kitchen store, actually it is a bread board,but never used as such. She also uses a very long shoe horn, 2.5 feet long, that we got before I had my total knee replacement. It was to be used to help get shoes on but I had never needed it. My wife looked at it and told me to bare my bottom - wow does it sting. Another item is a wooden spoon bought at the hardware store, again never used in the kitchen, but for spanking me. We do need to get a leather belt so she can spank me when we are having sex - pain and pleasure are an intoxicating mix.
In our kitchen, we have a wooden bread slicing board that Peter made for his mom when he was a Boy Scout. His mom gave it to me as a housewarming gift, when we bought our first home 10 years ago. No one knows that every saturday morning it it put to use as a spanking implement for Peter. I love seeing him after the spanking standing in the corner, pants around his ankles, bare bottom beet red.
In addition I have used his belt, that i make him remove and hand to me. Upstairs in our bedroom is the hair brush with an ivory handle. That is also hot. All these things bring him back to the sweet man i married.
Hi Hermione,
With spanking being pretty much non-existent here now days when they do occur it's usually a hand spanking. Our main implements would be leather paddle and wooden spoon.
I am honored that you were inspired by my comment.
My bottom is currently feeling the aftermath of Wednesday's switching with supple shoots from a plum tree -something that grows wild in our area if you look.
I do liken the switch more to a whip than a paddle but it is a bit different. The delicious sting reminds me of tart lemonade on a hot day - once the intensity subsides a bit.
Mistress's hair brush and rubber paddle are her favorites as she enjoys the OTK intimacy and the close up view of the results.
Hi Hermione ...
Older and been around for a few years ... crop and flogger, both favourites
New to the scene ... strappy leather paddle ~3 inches in diameter ... kinda slappy and stingy ... roundish leather paddle, quite thuddy ... a thin bamboo tomato stake, I wish he would only use it after a good warmup ... and the latest, an ok'd belt of his doubled over - I think it's going to go on the same list as the crop and flogger ... the yummy, yes please more, Sir list ;)) ... nj
For a while there, for noise reasons, we stuck to a Cane-iac Every Ready cane which is perfect for OTK and a Smack Stick Senior. Lately, however, the kids have been going out and leaving my wife and I home alone so I am free to use anything in my toy box which includes an OTK strap (oh I love that thing. I could take that thing all day), a small quarter inch think paddle, a short handled bath brush, a long handled bath brush, a removable handle from one of those bath brushes and a Smack Stick Junior which is hardly used as the Senior version is quite brutal and I love it.
I even trialled some of our wooden spoons in the kitchen. I was quite surprised at how effective some of them were.
I think we have phases. His hand is always featured, followed by something else. Often its the cane, or his belt. But recently he's been pulling out the flogger (cos it's new I reckon) and the Christmas paddle - when I need a serious stress relief spanking!
The paddle and the belt are our favorite implements and nothing is better than the personal touch of the open hand.
Randy loves variety and surprises. Most of the time, he seems to choose the implement(s) with this in mind. So on any given day, it might be a favorite implement or just something he picked up off the counter. As soon as he feels like he's getting into a rut, he changes up his selections.
Eric is traveling for work so there are no spankings here. :( However, we seem to go through phases. A leather phase. A wooden phase. An otk hand phase. At this point, I'd take a wet noodle spanking!
Good topic: we have progressed to canes (from Ronnie), Tawses (from Can-iac) and wooden bath brushes (from any local pharmacy or Walmart and our last was from a grocery store.
bototms up
P chooses the implements so could be anything. Lately it's been the holey paddle Bogey sent me, the rose leather paddle and of course the cane.
My wife uses only a hairbrush, takes with her everywhere and uses when needed. It is large, wooden, and hurts like hell.
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