So, you are hereby invited to send me pictures of your implements. It could be your favourite one, your least favourite, a memorable one (and please say why it is so memorable), a homemade one, or a collection of all your implements. If you have a story to go with the picture, so much the better.
No faces or other identifying features in the photos, please, and you need not show the implements in action. The pictures must be in JPG, GIF or PNG format so I can upload them here.
You can find my email address in the right sidebar, under the Canadian flag. (It's martingale2 @ yahoo . ca without the spaces).
If you use an email account that shows your real name (not recommended), please let me know how you want me to identify you in order to preserve your anonymity.
I will publish your pictures here on a regular basis, and I can't wait to see them, so grab your camera, phone, iPad or whatever device you have, and start clicking!
Update: I have already received several great pictures. This looks promising!

Hi Hermione,
What a wonderful idea! Looking forward to seeing future posts:)
Roz - I hope we have lots of photos to enjoy.
Sounds fun. Will email pics.
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