Rosco: I have several New Year's resolutions, but our sex and domestic discipline life revolves around minor stuff and fantasies. Real stuff we discuss - how boring I know.
I am spanked usually for imaginary flirtations with women and girls we do not know, except for those with thinly disguised variation's of Irene's first, middle and last names. And I am spanked for failure to deliver a proper foot massage or wash and fold her lingerie.
I am also spanked at bedtime about once a week. I will be dozing off and she will pull the covers off and thrash me with a whip then wish me sweet dreams. It works.
Amy: My New Year's resolution will be to write more. Missed y'all! No spankings here. Eric is traveling again.
Roz: My resolution is to get back on track with my exercises after a slack couple of weeks over the holidays. Alas, there will be no spankings as a consequence or reward.
Sir Wendel: We have the same New Year’s resolutions every year: eat healthier, exercise more and save more. If we spank each other every time we break a resolution then neither one of us would sit all year.
Have a great new year Hermione!
Anon 1: Nothing will change, my wife will still give spankings when I deserve one, I will still protest, plead, beg, all to no avail. Have seen this past year that spankings have been in front of others, and outside of the home. Could be less tolerance, but knowing others could be present I try hard not to earn a spanking.
Anon 2: My wife has stated already there will a caning to greet the new year.
Barrel: After a session this week, my wife admitted she enjoys the act of whipping and caning more than the build up, which I enjoy the most. Therefore, my resolution this year will be to lay out one of our implements at least once a month which always leads to an intense session for her satisfaction.
Baxter: I resolve to get more spankings from my wife. My spankings this year were sidetracked due to total knee replacement surgery and both the run up to the surgery and the recovery. I have also gained 15 pounds since the recovery and probably should be spanked for that, since I am in my early 60s and need to lose those 15 pounds plus another 15.
Bernie: I have the standing invitation to give 24 hour notice of the want, need for a spanking. This is to be done by leaving a toy on my wife's desk. This lets her develop the mindset and idea for the event. I resolve to take better advantage of the offer and to challenge her imagination.
The best to all, and to all be safe on New Year's Eve.
Yorkie: We usually don't bother with New Year's Resolutions but if I did, then a spanking would definitely be a reward!
Hermione: I'm really terrible at dusting the furniture, removing the cobwebs from corners of the ceiling and chasing the dust bunnies out from under the bed. I resolve to do better next year, and Ron will encourage me with good girl spankings when I do a good job without being reminded.
Goodbye 2018, hello 2019. Be careful tonight if you are out partying!