Oh my, what a gigantic paddle he's got. He needs to use two hands to guide it. Do you think it will make contact with the young lady's bottom?

Quite possibly, although I think just one whack will knock her out of position. Does this remind anyone else of the croquet game in Alice in Wonderland?

That paddle has quite a large "contact zone"! Puts more PING in your PONG, eh?
My stomach and back hurt just looking at that girl!
Great pics!
That paddle is big enough for any bottom. Unfortunately, the photo should be from behind.. :-) better view.
LOL Hermione, definitely a win, best one yet. Thanks for smiles. Great picture.
Elysia - Mine hurt too! Too much PING for me!
Red - I agree on both counts.
Ronnie - I'm glad you like it.
Somehow, I just admire that woman for being able to take that position. She can watch herself getting spanked.
Although, as I'm also a fan of doggy-style, that could get a little messy for her if she continues getting a firsthand look. There's gotta be some dripdown.
*smiles and wanders off, knowing that people think in pictures and that the damage is done*
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