Spectacular Paddling for Novices and Experts Alike
For the intrepid solo paddler, beginner lessons and certification courses are available to build...skills and confidence...
"First-time paddlers are very welcome..." says _____. "Most of our clients have never been (paddled) before and it is very satisfying to see so many people thrilled at the end of the day that they have found a new activity to fall in love with. It is normal to be nervous for the first time, but our fully certified instructors will coach you through everything you need to know."
The experienced paddlers...also offer introductory lessons...and rentals.
For the more independent paddler, there are many...places of...interest including "quiet trails and sandy beaches, secluded bays, hidden channels (and) unique geological formations...
"Paddling...is very accessible to everyone," says _____. "With world class paddling right in your backyard, you can come and relax (and) rejuvenate... We provide the equipment, nature provides the rest."
Paddling Safety Tips
(Among the topics covered were:)
Required equipment
Paddle with friends
Stay warm
The article was - in case you hadn't guessed - about canoeing and kayaking in the scenic lakes and extensive waterways of Canada. Those activities are fun too.

Great for summer activities :))
I love double entendres! Thank you for sharing.
Wonderful. I hope those paddles in your last picture are not in your toy box. LOL.
Trust you to spot something like this but I'm glad you did, very good. Thanks.
You had given me a fright!!
What a relief!
We can find thrills in the most normal things, can't we? I love it when something vanilla sounds so spanko!
Angelin - Yes, a little fresh air paddling is good for you.
Kitty - So do I.
Joey - Good heavens, no! They are for illustrative purposes only.
Ronnie - The word "Paddling" in a headline is like a red flag to a bull, for me.
Scarlet - Oh, you thought Canadians really do have spanking lessons in the great outdoors ;D
Are you sure this is about kayaking. i didn't read the word "water" once :)
Another fun post. Thank you for the smiles>
Haha, nice one, Hermione! xxx
oh the things we can find with double meanings in them hehehe...thanks for the post...very cool xx
My husband would be all for using that on me.
Prefectdt - It wasn't mentioned in the article either, come to think of it.
Elder_Lee - My pleasure!
Daisy - Thank you.
Kiwi - There are lots of them out there to choose from.
Cedeno - It might be a very useful implement.
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