This cartoon appeared in the newspaper recently, and I couldn't help smiling at the reference to TTWD - "
... and rebalanced the subspace responders" - in the third panel.
Wouldn't a subspace responder be a handy gadget to have, so the spanker would know if the spankee was enjoying the experience?
That is exactly what I need. My Disciplinarian recently commented that she needs more feedback during the session. The problem is that I go from teeth-gritting silence to lost-in-space silence. She cannot tell which is which and I'm in no condition to speak in either case.
Thank you for your excellent blog. It is always a delight.
Great cartoon. I have a subspace responder, it turns colors when it is warmend up.
I met this cartoonist at a vanilla conference, he is hilarious. I would not be surprised if this cartoon carried a double meeting.
Sorry for the typo: meaning vs meeting.
Elder - That sounds like a problem. I wonder why they are so alike to her.
I'm always glad to see you here.
Joey - Yeah, I'm sure you do!
Do you think the cartoonist is one of us? He's my favourite; he gets the work situation exactly right.
Good find Hermione, made me smile, thanks.
I wonder what sort of gadget could be used.
As a Trekkie and a Spanko, I have always liked the idea of 'Subspace Communication'. And isn't it possible that Rodenberry was into it too? Remember the first season when one of the characters swatted Yeoman Rand on her bottom?
Ronnie - Some sort of wireless device like an iPod, perhaps?
spankedbywife - No, I don't remember that swat, but I'll bet Chross has it stashed away somewhere.
Subspace, the final front ear. To go boldly where you want to go again and again and again.
I'm getting deja vu here, have I used that line before?
But dear Hermione, you always love being spanked... RED
I think at birth.. I must have been implanted with a "subspace responder".. and I've not been able to expel that since! "Not that I really want to!"
haha! Cute-toon! Thanks for sharing!
The cartoonist is smart, funny, creative, intuitive... yeah, he must be one of us.
Funny cartoon. Do we want to make spanking less personal by letting it go to the electronic age? I can see it now, a bottom holds a device where you push 1 for harder, 2 for good, 3 for ease up, and 4 for stop. The top wears an earpiece that tells them the command the bottom selected and proceeds accordingly. No speaking during a spanking? No thanks.
Prefectdt - You probably have, in your Thought for the Week. It's a good one.
Red - Of course I do. I hope Ron knows it too.
Zelle - You sure wouldn't. Expelling - ouch! That would hurt!
Joey - Sounds right to me.
Lea - I like the personal touch better too.
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