Tomorrow Ron and I celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first time he spanked me. In honour of the occasion, I have a very special photo reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe's famous picture. Something tells me this bus is equipped for spanking as well as seating passengers.
Complete the caption by leaving a comment, and I'll publish your contributions in the next post.

Ma'am, I do believe you've suddenly lost weight!
Karl Friedrich Gauss
The picture leaves me speachless, but...Happy Spankaversary! Sara
Caption. "What a tease, this breeze, that freeze my knees, to say cheeze, please" Happy 25th Spankanniversary to you Hermione, and Ron.
Her career as a pole dancer had affected Hermione, every time she saw a pole her clothes fell off.
Congratulations on your spankaversary.
"Hmmm. Now this could get interesting. I would love to get her over my knee!"
Happy Spankiversary.
"The dangers of buying celery."
BTW, the pinup artist who did this picture (and whose name escapes me) is notorious for pictures of women
1) whose panties are falling down, and
2) Who are carrying a bag of groceries with a prominent bunch of celery.
Sorry Ma'am... you'll STILL need the correct change to board... but thanks!
What did I tell you would happen the next time the elastic gave out in your panties, young lady? Leave them right where there are and bend over the bus seat...
Hermione thought she would surprise Ron on his bus but she didn't expect to be surprised herself by a bus full of passengers and her knickers around her ankles.
'Hermione you could have waited until we got home before you removed your knickers now I'm going to have to deal with you here.'
Happy Spankaversary.
He thinks "WOW! That ACME knicker magnet really works. Now let's see if the patented electro shock seat was worth the money."
The bus driver is calculating if he has time to grab her and pull her across his knee before the light turns green. Happy spankaversary!
And congratulations on your Silver Spankoversary.
First, let me wish you and Ron a very happy 25th spankaversary, Hermione, I hope you celebrate in a very "resounding" way.
Next, Hermione, this is a case of "Great Minds" - GMs - as the artist of this drawing is Art Frahm and I am currently preparing a post about him featuring some of his work including this bus drawing. Frahm did pinup art from the 40s through the 60s and among his work was a series of drawings with women's panties mysteriously falling to their ankles. They became known as his "ladies in distress" work and many featured the hapless woman holding a bag of groceries with a very phallic stalk of celery peeping out. Frahm was also a mainstream advertising artist whose art was used in ads for Quaker Oats, Coca-Cola and Coppertone. Guess now that I mentioned it I should finish that post.
Lastly, I have three captions:
"When Hermione first spied Ron, her handsome future husband, she knew to attract his attention she had to do more than just drop her hanky."
Bus driver: "Hey lady, shake that money-maker and pony up the two bits for the fare."
Bus driver: "Honey, I like your coin slot much better than mine."
Congrats, hope you are going to celebrate in the correct way! As to a caption, (I'm not very good at these)
"Never mind the grocery bag, ma'am, I suggest you hang on to your undercrackers...."
25 years of spanking ...WOW ... Congratulations. The hell with the caption
"Don't get your knickers in a knot, young lady! Pay up the bus fare, and then get yourself a new pair!"
This is what I get for not doing my wash and having to borrow my roommates's panties. Did you think anyone noticed?
Yay! Happy Spanking Anniversary and many more!
"Clearly, Ma'am, the quality of your groceries is higher than the quality of your underwear." The bus driver shcukled. "I hope you still have the money for your fare, because otherwise that's going og be an embarrassing walk home."
Happy Silber Spankiversary, Hermione and Ron.
Clearly, legally blind people should not be allowed to comment on blogs.
Just so you know, those weird words were meant to be: chuckled, to and silver.
Congratulations to you both!
"Gosh, I simply hate grocery shopping!"
"I know the feeling Ma'am."
"This bus headed south?"
"Just like your knickers, yes Ma'am."
To add to Lea's quote. "And making her bare bottom red".
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