It's now 2014, a year that is going to be an exciting one here at Hermione's Heart. I'm making some changes that I hope you will enjoy.
First and foremost is the addition of the weekly Sunday brunch, as I permanently take over the hostess's chair from our good friend Bonnie, who, I'm very sad to say, has retired from blogging. I have to admit I'm a bit nervous. It was one thing to host the odd brunch during the course of a year, when I knew Bonnie was responsible for the other 50 weeks. But now that I have to come up with a suitable discussion topic each week, as well as two mouth-watering food photos, the task seems a bit daunting. Nevertheless, with your help we will carry on the brunch tradition. Brunch will begin on Saturday and last through the weekend, with a recap on Monday.
I don't want to forget about the faithful weekly contributors to Complete the Caption. That feature was first invented as my own version of a weekend get-together, without seeming to be a brunch copycat. So I came up with something to appeal to those readers who prefer pictures to words. There are one or two regular participants who, as far as I can recall, have never left a comment on any other type of post. I won't abandon those faithful and hysterically funny contributors. Complete the Caption will be appearing on a weekday, starting next week.
From the Top Shelf will also be staying on as a regular weekly feature, appearing after the brunch recap. Wednesday Win and Friday Fail may not appear as regularly as before, because I want to write more personal accounts about Ron and me and our life as spanking enthusiasts. That's my New Year's resolution!
I welcome any comments and suggestions about these changes, whether good, bad or indifferent. I'd love to hear your suggestions for future brunch topics. This blog is written for you, and I want to make it the very best it can be.
Happy New Year everyone!

Good luck with the Brunches. Have a great 2014
Happy New Year Ron and Hermione! Wishing you the very best in 2014 and hope it is a wonderful year for you.
Thank you so much Hermione for taking over not only the brunches but also LOL day. It's wonderful that, thanks to you, these will continue.
I'm so glad you will be retaining "from the top shelf" and "complete the caption" ... as you should :) I very much look forward to reading more personal accounts from you. I always enjoy your accounts :)
Happy New Year!
Thank for picking up the brunch, I don't always comment but I always read.
I love your blog and look forward to the forthcoming year.
Hugs DF
Happy New Year! As sad as we all are to see Bonnie go she left her chair seat to a wonderful choice. Best wishes and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you and Ron.
Bonnie will be missed but she has passed the hostess chair to the perfect person.
I'm happy from the Top Shelf is continuing as I enjoy reading your choices.
Happy New Year. Thanks for taking over the brunches and LOL day....they have been staples here. I very much like and look forward to more personal accounts. You are going to be one busy lady.
hugs abby
Happy New Year!!
You'll be great!
Whatever works for you, as long as you keep blogging.
Thank you
Hi Hermione,
It took me only seven hours to delurk. I think your changes are going to be spectacular!
Happy New a Year!
Happy New Year Hermione & Ron.
Whatever you do is fine with me and I will be here. I think I comment at least 85% of the time I visit.
Thank you for taking over for Bonnie, she's left us in very capable hands.
We shall look forward to all the new changes as well as the few things which will stay the same. I personally love your real-life spanking accounts the most of all so I will especially look forward to those!
best wishes Hermione, and enjoy everything you attempt to do... and Ron can always spank away any stress if you are uncertain what to post, because you can always post about your stress relief spanking..
bottoms up
Prefectdt - Thanks. I'll need it!
Roz - It's good to hear that you like those features. I'll try to put the writing plan into action soon.
DelFonte - I think you comment fairly frequently, and I always love to hear from you.
Princess - Thank you most kindly.
Ronnie - I have some mighty big shoes to fill (figuratively, not literally) but I think I'll manage.
Abby - I'll be busy but I love doing it.
Tia - I promise, I have no plans to depart the blogosphere.
Bonnie - Isn't retirement wonderful? You can do all the things you never had time to do before! Thank you for the vote of confidence.
Kim - Thank you, and the same to you.
Sunny (Leigh) - You are one of my most faithful commenters.
Sara - Well now, I'll have to speak to Ron about providing me with more material for my blog.
Red - You make a good point. It's a win/win situation.
Bookmarked :-)
Will be a regular visitor.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year Hermione and Ron!
Love the new agenda for the new year!
Hope I have the noive to contribute to a brunch!
Bashfully yours,
While most sorry that Bonnie will no longer be a part of the regular group, I am appreciative to know that you were willing to pick up where she left off. I have always enjoyed reading your thoughts and perspectives and look forward to new thoughts in the New Year. Wishing you the best.
Hey Hermione...I don't often contribute but I do lurk a lot on the brunches, complete the caption and several others. Good luck with taking on the extra work. I think you will do a wonderful job!
Happy New Year!! Thank you for taking the Brunch! We'll miss Bonnie, but it will be great that the tradition carries on.
You know, Hermione, as long as you stick around, I'll be happy with whatever you do. :-) Happy New Year to you and Ron.
Happy New Year Hermione
You will be fantastic with the brunches and i am looking forward to the year ahead
Well done for picking up Bonnies baton. Looks like you are going to be busy but I am sure your blog will continue to be a great success with the extra content. Hope you get time for some spanking of your own.
Michael M
"Break a leg " so to speak, stopping by to show support for your new endeavors and Congrats on the Brunches and Lol Day! Bonnie was again right on with her pick for succession! Hermione if you need anything you have a fine list of experienced bloggers here but for any reason like they are all being Spanked at the same time we us here @ would be positively excited to help out !
Houston Switch - I'm looking forward to your visits.
Ricky - Happy new year to you too. I would love to hear your thoughts at each and every brunch. Don't be shy!
Catherine - Thank you for the kind words and the vote of confidence.
Cat - Thank you, and please feel free to jump in with a comment whenever you want.
Fiona - I'm happy to be a part of that tradition.
Erica - I have no intention of retiring from blogging any time soon. You'd have to shoot me to get rid of me!
Bob - I'm looking forward to it too.
Michael - As busy as I might be, I always make time for spankings. They're top priority.
Kim - Thank you for the offer, Kim. I'll keep that in mind.
Happy New Year Hermione.
Good luck as hostess of the brunches.
I wish you the best in 2014.
Hermione, Happy New Year 2014, Congratulations on your new adventures that you have inherited from Bonnie. I have always liked Complete the caption. And I also liked Wednesday Win, and Friday fails. But I can see your point. So I hope once in a while you'll will include them in your fine blog. May you have a spanking good time, in your new up coming important duties.
Joey - Thank you. I hope you will drop in and join us fro brunch.
Six - I will still include those features, and I will enjoy having the new ones as well.
Hi Hermione,
Happy New Year to you and Ron.
Good luck with the Brunches!
Best wishes for 2014 and good luck with everything
good luck with all the changes hermione, im sure you will do a brilliant job of the brunches and im looking forward to your more personal accounts too :-)
Happy brand-spankin' New Year to you! I'm sure that whatever changes 2014 brings will be fun and exciting for all who visit. Like everyone, I'm sad to see Bonnie retire from blogging, but I firmly believe you'll be up to the task of handling the brunches (emphasis on "firmly").
Dr. Ken
Gary - Thank you.
CS - I'll need that luck!
Kiwi - There's one coming up next.
Dr. Ken - "Firmly" makes me feel squirmly!
Thank-you for hosting the brunches I am sure you will do is nice to know they will still be here...look forward to reading more personal accounts...Much happiness this new year! Hugs
Hi can someone pease email me at and explain what and when the brunches are. Thank you very much.
Terps - Thank you for your trust. I'll try to live up to the high standard that Bonnie set.
Jackie - Brunch is a weekly post that addresses a topic related to spanking. Anyone can join in by leaving a comment. The brunch post goes up each Saturday, with a recap on Monday.
A Happy New Year to you and Ron! I wish you all the best for 2014. Thank you for hosting the brunches from now on.
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