Six of the best: I dream of a romantic lover, that will raise my dress waist high, take down my bloomers, and cane me six times across my bare bottom. Is there such a handsome gentleman?
Smuccatelli: I miss my Kindle. This thing is a pain in the ass to read.
Prefectdt: This is a good heavy book. Whacking his butt with this should get his attention.
Ronnie: The story reminds me of a time way back when I was at college and Trevor caught me with my...naughty me, letting my mind wander again.
Rollin: "Shall I read you a bedtime story, dear? Or shall I be the bedtime story?"
Catherine: I wonder if anyone else enjoys reading hot spanking stories?
Ricky: Oh, for the good old days!
Michael: "Hey! What do you mean this can't be my story since I'm no lady"
Sir Wendel: How I long for an old fashioned spanking and one of those delicious finger sandwiches from the Kerby’s party last night.
Hermione: After reading great Aunt Bertha's memoirs, Sally knew she had to keep up the family tradition.
Thank you all for joining in. You are welcome to stay for brunch.

Just found your site...interested to see what it's all about...tying to find "like minded" friends in the blogosphere :)
Northern Sugar - Welcome! I'm so glad you found me. You are among friends here. Check out my blogroll for more like-minded bloggers.
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