That's right! We're off to Walmart, where the Walmartians seem to have gathered in larger numbers than usual.
Nice thong, lady!
We don't want to check your bare bum for handprints
Yoga pants are not appropriate shopping attire
No handprints here either
This isn't the beach. Do you see sand anywhere?
Well, that was unpleasant. For something a bit more tasteful, Complete the Caption.

Oh my! I don't know how you get any shopping done with those butt cracks showing up all over the place!
I have to wonder if there parents know they are out and about? But them maybe they learned from their parents.
OMG, some things can't be unseen. The mind boggles!
I can't believe people go out looking like that.
Oh crikey, thats pretty bad!!
l, xxove Jan
OMG Walmartians are unbelievable. But how did the person get out of the car parked in the shopping cart cage?
All I can say is, 'HOLY MOLY!'
Fun Hermione!
That was eye assault - yuck.
Looks like Walmart had another price reduction on crack. Pure nightmare fuel.
Thanks for the laughs Hermoine.
I agree with all of you. Not a pretty sight!
My eyes! Not enough eye bleach in the world! ;)
Hugs and blessings...Cat
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