My husband Ron enjoys wearing cologne, and I thoroughly approve. On Valentine's Day, I gave him a set of several designer fragrances that I had sampled and liked, and I thought he'd like them too.
A day later, as he was reorganizing the side of the bathroom cupboard reserved for him, he extricated several boxes from the back, then called me to come and look. I was amazed to see several more gift sets of colognes - each one by a different designer, thank goodness. These gifts from past holidays had been carefully stored away then forgotten. Ron selected a few small bottles and promised to start using them, and in turn I promised to be more creative in my gift selection.
That got me thinking about the implements we had scattered around the house. Were some being overlooked? Had we completely forgotten about others? Did we have some that had outlived their usefulness, or that we had outgrown?

The first place I looked was Ron's bedside table. I didn't see anything there that I wanted to part with, but I did notice a few implements that needed to come up to the top so that he would see them and perhaps become inspired to dust them off on my bottom.
Then I checked my bedside table. Unlike its counterpart on Ron's side, where the implements in regular use live, I have a few items that I would like to try but haven't yet found the courage to bring out of the darkness. A thick white rubber spatula on a plain wooden stick caught my eye. Yes, I still wanted to try that. I moved it to Ron's side. A wooden ruler. Too flimsy, and the metal edge was dangerous. A light hairbrush. Nope, it wouldn't make any impression on me. They both went into the give away bag.
Before I left the bedroom, I made sure that the implements we used regularly were arranged attractively, looked inviting and were easily accessible.

In the kitchen, I headed for the jar of wooden implements. I love picking up new, interesting pervertables in the houseware section of the supermarket, but I might have overdone it.

Some were actually used for cooking, so they could stay. But several wooden spoons and two spatulas were so light and cheap that they weren't up to much, either in the cooking pot or on my bottom. I removed them.

Decluttering is so much fun! Now if you'll excuse me, I must go sort out the slippers in the closet.

My man has a really nasty bendy ruler that I would like to declutter from our lives.
It sound innocuous but it hurts so, so much.
I like this decluttering - great idea!
Hi Bonnie,
Hope all is well with you and yours. You sure have found some interesting things. the decluttering is good Idea,
Will be doing that as soon as I get moved home to the state this summer,sure do look forward to it.
As for decluttering my place in Canada so far I has found nothing worth taking.
Happy spring every one
Lil Sam
Hi Hermione
I am so so sorry for calling you bonnie, her blog popped up as I was posting on yours.
My mind just does not seem to be with it the last few days.
Sorry hun
extra Hugs to you
Lil Sam
Poppy - You must do your duty and keep your man's implement collection nice and tidy. Perhaps it's TOO bendy, or bent, and should be discarded.
Lil Sam - Good luck with your move. And I figured you were reading Bonnie's post, because I was too, at the same time as you.
Is it really spring? It doesn't seem like it here, rained most of the day.
I like the sound of decluttering I think I may have to start and I know just the place to begin, under P side of the mattress
Enjoyed your post Hermione, thanks.
I just took a break from spring cleaning to do some blogging. What a most entertaining and hilarious post Hermione! I can count on one hand the number of designated implements in our arsenal, however perhaps I'll clean out my kitchen drawers and re-designate some of the clutter of wooden tools to stash in the night stand. Thanks for the ideas!
Me and my mom have this rule when we go thriough our spring cleaning. If it hasn't been used in 6 months then we don't need it. Our husbands don't quite like that rule but it keeps the clutter down. However we spring clean more than one time a year.
Ronnie - It's raining here too, but that's good because the snow is gone! I am now preparing for the upcoming gardening season.
Elysia - That's a great idea! Reusing is the most important of the three Rs. I hope they work well.
Lynn - That's a wonderful rule. I apply it to clothing, as well as the one in, one out rule.
Hermione: That's the fun way to do spring cleaning. Now he'll have no trouble finding what he needs when he decides it's time for a scene.
You always have the most entertaining stuff on your entries. Guess I'll have to go dig into my stash and see what needs updating.
FD - Anything I can do to make his life easier....
Mick - Thank you.
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