The gentlemen checkmated the naughty lady into having her bare bottom warmed, by giving her a good spanking. The naughty lady that did not iron her husband's shirt to his satisfaction, was given a good bare bottom warming, while she wore that erotic girdle, and stockings. Yes those photo's suggest many a possibility for spankings. I just gave two.
Indeed, it's a wonder some young ladies ever have anything other than a redenned bottom.
Love the photos. Yes, blogging sounds like a good warmup for a spanking. LOL.
The gentlemen checkmated the naughty lady into having her bare bottom warmed, by giving her a good spanking. The naughty lady that did not iron her husband's shirt to his satisfaction, was given a good bare bottom warming, while she wore that erotic girdle, and stockings. Yes those photo's suggest many a possibility for spankings. I just gave two.
I'm pretty sure that blogging is the one that gets most of us around here with toasted buns!!!
Great post.
Headmaster - Glad to see you again. I agree, rosiness is often a constant state.
FD - It does, and it is.
6otb - And very good ones they were.
Janet - I'm almost certain it is, and we wouldn't want it any other way.
Hawtness rules!!!
Love it! How much you wanna that this gets Chrossed? :-)
Uh... that should read "wanna BET." (sheepish)
I love the set of photos and captions that accompany each.
Great photos Hermione. Now every time I play chess with P I'll be hoping to get checkmated:)
LOL... I love that last one. That was good!
Maria - It does indeed!
Erica - That's what I thought too, but Chross had a different preference. NEver mind, I still got CHrossed!
And not to worry, typos happen to the best of us.
Charlie - Welcome, and thank you.
Ronnie - If you lose too often, he'll get suspicious!
turiya - Thanks! I thought it was pretty clever.
I believe blogging should get you spanked. Enjoy!
PS: great pictures. Thanks
Red - Thanks! And I agree, blogging should be top of the list.
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