A study has found that an all-over, full body tan is not possible, because different parts of the body darken differently. The buttocks are less easy to tan than backs, and stubbornly stay white. How interesting. I assumed that tanning behinds was pretty straightforward, and any whiteness would soon disappear upon vigorous application of some suitable implement.
The study warned that hard-to-tan areas need more protection. Against the sun, that is.

The solution is simple, leave the backside untanned by the sun and then ask a spanker to think of it as a colouring in picture. But hide the felt tips first to avoid confusion.
LOL, my ass turns colour quite abruptly using the hands on approach....
However, I have sensitive skin and no parts of my body ever go brown, just fiery red and then back to white again.... xxxxxxxx
Prefectdt - An excellent suggestion!
Daisy - Brown is dangerous, in therms of skin cancer. Stick with red and white!
I much prefer a rosy red tan in that region but I wish I didn't get a rosy red face goes when I've been in the sun :)
Hi Ronnie,
Same here. I make sure I wear a hat.
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