A new discovery will make charging your phone a whole lot easier. It's called Power Felt, and while it looks like a piece of ordinary fabric, it is actually a thermoelectric device that converts body heat into electricity.
Power Felt can be used to make phone cases. Put the phone in your back pocket and the heat from your bottom will automatically charge the battery.
We bottoms will be able to charge our phones much faster than you Tops. So there!

Very cute. Thank you for sharing.
Hahahah... we bottoms sure will!!
LOL....can will never have to say...I forgot to charfe my phone!
LOL...be careful of saying that, though. It may just give them an excuse (not like they need any) to spank more...
LOL... so many benefits when one is spanked
bottoms up
Very funny - does that mean we could use pepper cream on the felt instead of having a bulge in our pocket?
Fascinating technology! I can just see it now. Michael's cell phone will need to be charged so he'll use that as an excuse to spank me so that I can charge it for him! Ack! lol
LOL. I was thinking the same as Grace.
That's funny! I wonder if the person that thought of this was a spanker! LOL
LOL This is hilarious and very clever. Thanks for the laugh.
Isn't technology wonderful!
Hugs to all,
Power Felt seats getting power from over heated spanked behinds could just be the environmentally friendly fuel source that saves the world (how long till the governments start charging tax on spanked bottoms?)
Kinky element to one side that is an amazing piece of technology. Thanks for the link.
Where do you always find these things, Hermione? ;-)
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