Sunny Girl: Even little cupids need a spanking once in a while.
Six of the best: Cupid says to the lady that is spanking him, "Why spank me. I mend hearts, not break them."
Katie: It was a mistake I tell you! My arrow hit the wrong target!
Red: Cupid says, "Okay okay, I understand now! I will use the arrow to find someone who will love you and spank you until eternity..."
Ronnie: Little cupid knew that shooting his arrow at Helena would get him spanked.
DelFonte: Ok! I get it, I will remember to do my target practice before Valentine's Day!
Smuccatelli: You little fool! I said MARS, not BACCHUS!
Prefectdt: Emily was proud of the important protest she had made on behalf of The Anti Valentines Alliance. Long live the revolution.
Rollin: I said I wanted you to shoot your arrows at a rich BANKER, not Spanker-- so let's see how you like it.
Baxter: Yes, I intentionally shot the arrow into your big butt. I mean, I couldn't miss it. thanks for the spanking tho.
Sir Wendel: It’s a good thing you can fly because you’re not going to want to sit for a while.
Autumn: Cupid stretched back his bow to strike her with an arrow, but, alas, was struck by an "arrow" himself.
Ricky: Goes to show that you're never too young to be naughty!
Es May: She says, "I said aim for the tall dark and handsome man to my right! Not the dimwit picking his nose to my left!" All the while cupid thinks to himself that the 'not so honest' mistake landed him right where he'd hoped he'd be.
Vfrat25000: Queen Holista, Queen of the Cupids, was none too pleased to find out her apprentice Cupid, Little Jimmy, had been hanging out at Melba’s Pole Dancing Emporium and Glitter Extravaganza.
The Senior Cupid Housemother finally traced down the cupid responsible for bringing the world a couple called “Bill and Hillary”.
George, the President of the Local Cupids #109, finally received his comeuppance after organizing the first Valentine's Day Cupid Kegger and Wet T-Shirt Contest.
“If I told you once, I have told you a hundred times. Stay away from that Kardashian family. They get in enough trouble without our help!
Hermione: So you thought it was funny to shoot Rob Ford, just so he'd make the headlines again?
I hope your special valentine gave you plenty of loving attention.

Those are great, had a good laugh over some of them. :)
Oh darn, I kept meaning to come back and leave one. I was going to say...
"Aphrodite!!! I was only kidding when I said you were old!"
I enjoyed reading these Hermione! Thank you. Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Even little cupids get spankings from their mummies when naughty ,best,Tim.
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