Today we celebrate Canada's 147th anniversary as a country.
What are Canadians really like, you might wonder? What sets them apart as unique?
We often go around in strange clothing to protect ourselves from the bitter cold.
We have strange but loveable politicians.
We use the metric system of measurement but always make allowances for our neighbours to the south who still use the Imperial system
We are kind to animals and our beer is 5% alcohol
And we know how to throw a party. Let the fireworks begin!

"O Canada". Hermione happy Independence Day in Canada. Here is hoping you will have a 'spanking good time', on that delectable bare bottom of yours.
Happy Independence day. Love all of you Canadians
Happy Birthday Canada! I do enjoy your strange but loveable politicians. Thanks for sharing Hermione. ;)
Hugs and Blessings...
Wishing everyone a very Happy Birthday!
My heartthrob Pablo Schreiber was born in Canada. :-D
Very poor of me as I didn't know it was Canada's Birthday.
Happy 147th anniversary Canada.
Happy Birthday Canada! Wishing all our Canadian friends Happy Canada Day. Hope you enjoy the celebrations and have a wonderful day. Love the pics!
Hermione--I assume you'll be accepting the birthday spanking on behalf of Canada? :-)
Six - Thank you, dear friend.
Blondie - That's nice to know.
Cat - Strange is the word indeed!
Meg - Thank you.
Erica - Really? I didn't know that.
Ronnie - I'm sure you will remember it next year.
Roz - We celebrated in fine style all across the country.
Dr. Ken - I'd be willing to make that sacrifice for my country.
I am a "Natural Born Abroad" so I have dual citizenship - born in Missisauga! I also have relatives in Canada, but I haven't been up there in about 20 years...
(Ha) I swear I know how to spell! Mississauga! :-)
Jay - But can you spell Gananoque? ;D
A late happy birthday wish to Canada...hope you had fun celebrating! :-)
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