Hi Hermione,
It has been a long time since I have had a chance to visit the blogs, but I can no longer get on to my own, so it seems it will just hang around in cyberspace forever! The email address it was registered in has long since retired, and I never did understand the blogs after Blogger "updated" the way they performed!
Davey and I, now married 6 years, are still living on separate continents, so spanking obviously does not happen any more. Despite all my efforts to find work with a salary large enough to enable us to be together, I have been unsuccessful until now. I have just accepted a job with a salary which just qualifies us to apply, however it does not start until September, and I will then be working 5 days a week, 15 hours a day but this means that once I can provide 6 months of wage slips, Davey will finally be able to apply for a visa to live with me.
And so I finally manage to access the blogs to find that Bonnie has retired, very sad; but I am so glad that others I know and love, such as yourself, and Ronnie, and others, are still around. I think of you all so often, but just do not have the time any more to browse online.
Hugs to you all,
Daisy and Davey xxxxxx
Daisy, I hope you see this post. It's lovely to hear from you again! I'm sorry you can't update your blog any more. You can still log on to Blogger with your Yahoo email address, even though it is no longer active, as long as you remember the password. I hope you will try that.
September isn't very far off, and if you are working 15 hours a day, those six months will fly by until you and Davey can apply for his visa. Please keep us posted on how you are getting on.LEave a comment, or email me so I'll have your new address.
All the best to you and Davey.

So happy to see her back in blog land. I hope she ckecks in from time to time. She left a comment on my little blog. Happy Daisy dance :-)
Oh...so nice to hear from Daisy again...i have wondered how they were doing. Very happy to hear that they have a time set when they can finally be together...
hugs abby
I know I was thrilled to see her comment the other day.
Hey Daisy, hope the time goes by very quickly but you been through so much already, you know you can do it.
hope you're back with us soon.
What happened to Finding Sara?
thanks for the update.. I have been wondering about her.. lol some get us confused too hehe.. hi daisy chain glad you found a job to be together soon
I was so very happy to see your comment and thrilled that Davey will be home with you soon. Time will fly by.
Daisy, drop me an email if you can.
Thank you for posting this Hermione.
Thank you Hermoine. Wonderful to see you back Dsisy. I don't think I found your blog, but did used to see you around blogland :)
So glad to hear you and Davy have a path forward to enable you to be together.
Hi Daisy!
It's good to hear from you again and great to hear that your dream may soon come true. Please don't feel sad about me. We're just fine and I'm not really gone.
Best wishes to you and Davey!
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