Enough moaning about the weather. In some parts of the world it's summertime and the beaches are crowded. I only wish they weren't a day and a half away by plane for me. I'll just have to imagine Ron and I are this couple having fun.
Complete the caption by leaving a comment, and I will publish them in an upcoming post.

Learning to BUM-steer on water with pleasure.
For today's lesson I'll be showing you a new stroke.
Are you sure this is a good place to spank me?
This isn't what I imagined when you said you like to get wet during a spanking
"Watch your feet! Good perfect position."
They were both newcomers to surfing.
Actually, Hon, push-ups in the water are a lot easier than on land.
Him:I love pushing your bottom dear. It is so soft and beautiful.
Her: thank you for the nice words honey about my butt. But you will still be spanked later for your fingers wandering into my crack.
Him: Yes dear.
She: "First off, I'm not drowning, I'm conscious, I don't need first aid, and that's not the way to do CPR! So please stop pushing THERE and saying, 'Out with the bad air, in with the good'!"
You're right - I can still feel the heat from your spanking this morning.
Hey sharks! Take her first!
Tropical Paradise Water Spanking gold medalists John and Mary Smith
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