Arched one: I know he told me not to play with serpents I hope he spanks me for it.
Simon: "How to train your dragon - the directors cut."
Anon: Why, what big teeth you have.
Six of the best: "I'm in this dive, snakes alive, give me five, so I can jive", said this exotic female dancer.
A. Lurker: Someone is being a pain in the asp today!
Genesis - the uncut version. Is there actually more to the story than a simple apple?
Ronnie: Do you think a dragon tattoo would suit me.
Jon: Wouldn't this dragon make a great belt for his use?
Minelle: So you are a Warlock in a serpent body?? Oh delightful!
Jenn: Oh, Dino, slap me with that tail! Again!!
Ricky: OK, I give up! I don't know who you are! Can I open my eyes now?
Sir Wendel: I asked for a spanking and I got a dragon.
Dr. Ken: "What kind of a snake eats only clothes? I shall have to Google this..."
Katie: What? No spanking? See you later, alligator! After a while, crocodile!
Vfrat25000: Lois…What are you doing?
Waiting to be rescued by you, Superman. Are all Super Heroes as dense as you?
Megan is in the rotunda protesting the wearing of fur! She’s naked and has a large plastic serpent, snake or something like that wrapped around her!
Would you go get her out of the hall and inform her reptiles don’t have fur.
Wait until my husband sees this Halloween outfit for the party at his boss’s house! Hee Hee! He’ll fall all over himself to take me shopping! I can hear him coming up the steps!
Hi Mom…Dad...Aunt Mary…Uncle George…This is a surprise!
Do you think this large repulsive, slimy, plastic symbol of Paganism makes me look fat?
The original audition photo of Ginger when she tried out for Gilligan’s Island! I guess it impressed the producers!
Hermione: Polly was fluent in German, French and parseltongue.
Thank you all for your enthusiastic response. For even more fun, please stick around for brunch, when you'll have another chance to let those creative juices flow.

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