Have you ever:
1 Stood on top of a very high mountain or cliff, looking down at countryside, or out to sea?
Yes, every autumn we travel to a local conservation area, climb the hill, and look out over the valley brightly decorated in fall colours.
2 Lain on your back on a hot summer's night, listening to the crickets chirping, and watching the satellites as they chase each other across the heavens?
Once upon a time I did this, but satellites hadn't been invented yet so I had to settle for falling stars.
3 Skinny-dipped at midnight?
No chance. That's way past my bedtime.
4 Intentionally or inadvertently swum with sharks?
Not that I know of.
5 Broken a bone in your body?
The little toe on one foot, more than once.
6 Driven a car at speeds in excess of 120 mph?
Never! 80 kph sets my heart racing.
7 Played "Pooh Sticks"?
No, but I've seen it done on television. I must find some sticks and a bridge so I can try it.
8 Run in a "Pancake" race?
Pancakes are such slow runners, I wouldn't want to humiliate them by racing against them.
9 Had your eyelashes dyed?
Only with waterproof mascara that wouldn't come off.
10 Ridden a horse naked?
Where there are horses, there are horse flies, deer flies, and all manner of biting insects. I always stay fully dressed when I am around my equine friends.
11 Punted down the River Cam? (or any other river)
Punting is against the law in Canada, but I have paddled a canoe on a few lakes.
12 Played tennis in a short white tennis skirt whilst wearing minimal knickers?
My lessons didn't progress far enough to require an official skirt.
13 Helped an inebriated husband up the stairs at 2 in the morning?
No, he'd be in bed by then.
14 Been too scared to get out of a swimming pool whilst on holiday, due to a very large Doberman sitting on the edge watching you?
I love dogs, so I would probably have invited him to join me in the pool.
15 Sat in a deckchair snoozing happily whilst the sound of leather on willow echoes distantly in your ears?
Leather on willow? Is that some sort of kinky reference? I've heard wind in the willows, but never leather.
16 Taken a ride on the Maid of the Mist under the Niagara Falls?
I've been to Niagrara Falls, but I stayed on dry land.
17 Climbed up something - rock face, climbing wall, rope in a sports hall, long ladder, tree - and been too scared witless to climb back down?
I have always been to scared to even think of climbing up.
18 Been too liberal with the "Eau de Cologne" which then ran down where it shouldn't, which in turn caused you to hop madly around and rip your knickers off and throw them as far from you as you could?
I've had it run down "there" but just gritted my teeth and enjoyed the sensation, because I'm a masochist.
19 Made snow angels?
Every winter as a child.
20 Lost a shoe in a ploughed field on a moonlight walk home after a party?
No. The ploughed fields around here are fenced and tresspassers are not welcome.
21 Shrieked loudly, due to being spanked hard, and frightened away a visitor/s who turned and ran back down your drive - and now you never will know who was about to knock on your door.
And you are desperately hoping they will never ask...
Possibly, but I'll never know for sure. No one could hear a knock on the door over my shrieks.