Welcome, dear friends, to another weekend spanko brunch, when we get together to discuss all things spanking.
In Canada we are only hours away from a Federal election. Will the current party continue to be in power for another four years, or will the people decide on a change in leadership and direction? In the USA the parties are gearing up for an election next year, and campaigning is in full swing. That made me wonder about poltics and spanking.
What if you heard on the news that one of the the political candidates in your country had been outed as a spanko? Would that information influence your support or the way you planned to vote? How do you think the candidate's chances of being elected would be affected?
Now that I have put some awkward images into your minds, please tell me what you think by leaving a comment. Once everyone has had a chance to reply I will post a summary of our discussion.

Yes, it would. I'd have even more resolve to vote for them if it was someone I was supporting.
It wouldn't affect my vote one way or the other. I know that being a spanko has nothing to do with your ability make decisions or hold office or some position of responsibility. Their stand on issues would still be the major deciding factor for me, not whether they enjoy giving and/or getting a good spanking.
The USA is still so puritanical and provincial, though, that the Bible=thumpers abd nake-believe moralists here would probably make such a stink about it that the candidate would have to withdraw.
It would not be the deciding factor in who I vote for....all things being equal with those opposing him or her...I would choose the spanko. Spanko also leaves a lot of room for interpretation....
hugs abby
Hi Hermione, I think it would have a positive influence on me, but if they were against my beliefs I would still vote for someone else. I'd love to vote for someone who can be open about that, because I'd expect a sort of tolerance when it comes to consensual adult activities. Wishing you a great weekend.
Dr. Ken said it best. But here in the USA there is a bunch of strange "Ducks" and the press would push that like they are some kind of idiot. To me it would not make a difference.
Hi Hermione, over here in England, nothing would surprise me about our politicians. I think some of them are in to some very odd things and stuff is always popping up in the news. Spanking wouldn't put me off, but some of the stuff I read about ....
love Jan,xx
It wouldn't necessarily bother me nor would most sexual adventures provided it only involved consenting adults.It would affect my vote if there was any hypocrisy i.e. if they were campaigning on a family values ticket and the spanking wasn't with their wife or husband. It might also depend on how they reacted to the news getting out.
Just amazed that some think the US is puritanical and provincial. Those guys in the ME with swords sure have a different take on it.
Frankly, they are need spanked. Might even make me think more positively about them.
It is clear to me that no one on either side, GOP or Dems, is spanked. I can see it might do some of them good as there are clowns on both sides. There are a couple on the Dem side that are serious about the issues and that is good.
I'm not sure it would change my vote, but more consensual adult spanking is a good thing.
Okay thanks for putting the image of Stephen Harper getting spanked in my head. SHIVER
This is a little off-topic, did anyone see this newsstory? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3276577/50-Shades-Grey-spanking-left-tycoon-dialling-999-GP-lover-court-left-covered-dozens-bleeding-welts.html
What do you think?
I wouldn't base my vote on it, but I would feel more sympathetic towaard the person.
I would be okay with it, but the media would most likely slam them.
Hi Hermione, :) If they were a sound candidate, a good person, with good morals and strong leadership skills, then it would not matter to me one bit. They would get my vote. Though I think that Minelle is right about the media... All depends though. Many hugs,
<3 Katie
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