Edward: I think she just watched Two girls, one cup.
Welcome, Edward!
Leigh: A picture of her getting her last spanking.
Nina: Maybe they have taken pictures of her bum right afterwards and they appreciate the looks of a red bum differently?
Six of the best: The man is saying to the shocked lady that is gasping. "Not only did I promise you a rose garden in life. I also promised you 'six of the best' strokes of the cane on your knickers down bare bottom. And tonight's the night, that promise will be kept".
ricky: Oooh, I can't believe The Texas Rangers lost!
Yay, yay, Blue Jays!
Jimisim: She says, "If you think I'm going to let a geeky looking twat like you spank my bum like that girl on the 'tube, you've got another think coming!"
She then covers her face in horror of the thought.
Baxter: Dammit Peter, I asked you to spank me with your right hand, not your left hand. Your right hand always hurts more.
Kingspan: Oh my God! That guy in the spanking chat room was my ACTUAL daddy?
He: Honey, you need to see this!
She: What?????? I'm simply mortified!!! How is it possible that my family found out about my blog, and even left comments!! Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!
Computer Repair Tech Guy: "So great news! Not only did I restore your laptop, but I went ahead and uploaded ALL your photos to your Facebook page."
Shocked Girl: "OMG! All my private pictures too! No, this can't be happening; those are all the pictures my husband took of my spanked, naked ass!"
Computer Repair Tech Guy: "But just look at all the 'likes' and 'shares' you are getting!"
Dr. Ken: "And this is my picture collection of road kill...."

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