Ronnie: Girls. girls just wanna have fun.
Simon: Apparently we heard it wrong. At Mardi Gras girls who are topless get presents of bead necklaces!
A.J. "The spanking man! The spanking man! He's coming!"
(In my fantasy world.)
arched one: Look girls we're inside getting spanked and our husbands are outside getting spanked.
Six of the best: "Six of the Best" licks, from "Six of the Best" stick. For the Cane, must Pain.
Sir Wendel: Look! It’s the Fuller Brush Man. Maybe this time he’ll take the hint.
King Span: I don't know... somehow it still seems wrong to watch the papal procession like this.
Baxter: I love doing this, getting those guys in that office building all hot and bothered. HAHAHA
(actually I once worked in an office where we could look out one of the back windows and see nude women posing for an art class.)
ricky: Drat that parade! We're not the centre of attention anymore!
Bonnie: Could this be what they mean by "six of the best"?
Hermione: "Don't worry, we're safe. He'll never think of looking for us up here."

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