Dr. Ken: She: "Just hurry up and take the shot. And quit calling me 'Cecil'!"
Kingspan: "It's much more comfortable to sit on the stripes of a cat than the stripes from a cat," the model thought with a smile.
Leigh: You didn't believe me when I said I trained tigers, you're next.
Simon: The shoot for the "Taxidermy Glamour Calendar 1958" was progressing well.
You're sitting on a tiger, on a beach in a swimsuit and you think I look ridiculous in this hat!
Jon: Lions and tigers and babes, oh my!
A. Lurker: There was a young lady from Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger
When they came back from the ride
Hubby whipped her hide
Coz she was told to not to touch the tiger!
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
On the beach in broad daylight,
What mere mortal hand have you
To spank me 'til I burn bright, too?
Six of the best: He says, "I would love to give you 'six stripes' like this tiger's with a cane on your bare bottom."
Vfrat25000: Whoa! My Bad! I had no idea tigers did that when a camera flash went off? Somebody call the modeling agency. We need another model!
What are you shooting for today?
Cover page for the Tin Hat Conspiracy Monthly.
Hurry up Harry. This tiger costume must be 120 degrees inside.
Passing Cruise Ship
Captain: James anything to report from your watch?
Crewman: Yes Captain. I just saw a lady on the beach wearing an ancient swimsuit, sitting on a tiger’s back while being photographed by a guy wearing a tin hat.
Captain: OK Thanks, nothing unusual. Go take a break.
Model: This tiger stinks!
Photographer: Careful, don’t let him hear you. The last time I took a real tongue lashing from his agent when that tiger overhead two movie extras say he was fat!
Mary I want you to know that I have made an interesting discovery, wearing a shiny silver hat on a hot, sunny beach works like a solar oven. I think my hair is melting! Excuse me while I pass out.
Baxter: Dear, you have done such a good job quietly sitting on the tiger and not exciting him. I guess I lose the bet that you could stay quiet on him. I will take my spanking now, dear. I was so hoping to spank you, though.
js666: There was a young lady from Niger,
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
But her father had heard,
Though he said not a word,
Her bottom was striped like the tiger.
ricky: Perfect! Keep that pose!
I'm sorry, but I just can't.
Why not?
You've never sat on a purring tiger before, have you?
Sir Wendel: I’m going to spank him silly if he makes one more “Purrrrrrr-fect pose” remark.
Thank you all for the laughs! For more fun, please join me for brunch, being served shortly.

Love the poems - so very creative. I'm sure the poets are smiling on the new takes.
Sorry I missed this week's photo. My caption, courtesy of Randy, is "Tastes just like chicken."
"Ugliest bathing suit ever?"
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