Fred: I just adore being marked. Sometimes we choose implements that we know will leave good marks, like the cane.I always check out my bum to see what the marks look like and I get disappointed when they fade too quickly.
Except in Summer: I live at the nudist club and for the next six months I can't be marked. But come the Fall I get all excited again!
Simon: Normally I love marks whether they be welts or bruises. You have to be careful if you're going to the gym or swimming but you can usually get round it. I did once become ill shortly after a severe punishment and I'm pretty sure the doctors and nurses noticed but they were much too polite to comment.
Pearl: I really love the feel and sensitivity of welts (and bruises, although the bruises aren't as sensitive). I love that as they linger, so does the thoughts of how they were put there. What does my Man think of the marks? I will have to ask him!
Sir Wendel: I love to see her bottom turn red from a spanking. The red stripes appearing during a whipping with the belt are also a wonderful sight. She always gets a lot of hugs and stuff afterwards. The next day she still has signs of the punishment which leads to more hugs and kisses. I do not mind the marks. It’s a day or two before the marks from one of her paddlings disappear.
abby: I rarely bruise....after a long session, I will feel a soreness or tenderness for a day or two...a nice reminder. The cane will leave welts, for a day or two....and i actually enjoy them...
Unknown: I just enjoy it when I leave with marks. It doesn't happen often but love it when it does.
Amy: We've been struggling with this one. The occasional bruise on my bottom is fun but recently I ended up with a really horrid mark on my leg. We both felt bad about it because we enjoyed the intensity but not the aftermath. The jury is still out.
Roz: I love it when I am left with marks and am almost disappointed when there aren't any or many. I like the reminder. Rick likes it too.
Anon: We don't often go in for things which leave welts and stripes; they leave the spankee with sitting problems for some time, and I do not think a bottom adorned with livid stripes and bruises is much of a turn on anyway.
A sound spanking by hand, slipper or brush is another matter, and one can spend a long time turning those pristine white orbs into a pair of scarlet glowing tomatoes, making sure that every bit is painted a glowing red; what a glorious sight, and the lady will certainly have a very smarty bottom for some time to come, and I watch with pleasure as she shifts uncomfortably whilst sitting down.
Modern day bikinis and shorts leave much of the rear cheeks bare, making it very obvious that their owner has just been soundly spanked; many will need to keep these covered, but others will proudly display their spanked cheeks, as if to say, "Look what my man has done to my bottom, and I enjoyed every bit of it". My S is one of these - her bottom is nearly always a shade of red, and fills out a tight skirt even better after a good spanking.
Six of the best: When I have caned a woman on her bare bottom, the marks that were shown on her told me that my caning of her was effectively felt. Be it for pleasure or punishment.
Ronnie: Yes I love to be able to see a bruise after a spanking (doesn't happen very often). Also love to see cane lines and P likes to trace his fingers along the welts.
Hermione: I don't mark much any more; I guess my bottom is too tough! I do enjoy looking at my red bottom after a spanking, and sometimes the redness lasts until the next day. I occasionally get bruises if the dressage whip wraps around my hip.
That's all for this time. Remember - if you think of a topic you would like to see discussed at brunch, drop me a line or leave a comment. All suggestions are gratefully received.

Hermione, sorry to hear about the forest fire's you are having in Alberta, Canada.
Thank you, Six. We are very far away from the danger, but everyone is helping out by donating to the Red Cross.
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