Welcome back, dear friends. We all know that spankings can be very noisy affairs, and that's part of the fun. But what if you have friends, parents, or children within earshot and you absolutely have to keep the noise down?
Do you sometimes need to have quiet spankings? How do you keep the sound to a minimum?
Leave your reply as a comment. Once everyone has had a chance to leave their suggestions, I will publish a summary of our discussion.
On the occasions a spanking has had to be quiet it has usually been shorter to hopefully lessen the chances of being heard and less intense. Rick would often change his technique too.
We have not quite worked out the art of quiet spanking...any advise will be greatfully received
When the children were still home and in those years in an apartment we found two things were very quiet and very effective, a switch and a rubber hose. The switch could be cut fresh from a willow tree along the creek by married student housing and then later on an auto mechanic left a length of brake hose [about eighteen inches] in the car after he finished working on it. Either is very quiet but gives an intense sting and leaves light marks so they do have to be used with some care and practice. And if the recipient is a "howler" a clean wash cloth between the teeth works well. The rubber hose is soft and supple, not hard and large, so it will not do serious tissue damage but definitely can be used full strength swing to good effect. It is pretty much that black hose you remember from your high school chem class Bunsen burner. Amazingly quiet and very effective and cheap. Just go to an auto supply place and get 18". . .. IF you do use a switch be careful as it can sometimes nick the skin and split it slightly. Please use both with loving care.
Once I spanked the misses when her family was over to visit. We were on the second floor with the door closed. She refrained from complaining during. The misses does not believe they heard the smacks although to this day I swear that her sister knew.
The quietest implement we have is the whip. We didn't care for the whips being sold so R told me to make her one. I used boot laces (leather) and made a handle to attach them to. There is no impact noise at all and does it's job quite well.
Mr M uses severe but quiet implements - like the cane or hairbrush. Quieter and less actual spanking needed before I've learned my lesson ;-).
In general the smartier the spank, the louder the noise, but
flat things like slippers, hands or paddles tend to make more noise than the thin ons. A very thin cane or switch applied fast and for some time to a slack bottom, it's owner lying prone generates a healthy smart, and very little noise. However her burning bottom may elicit some yells, so some sort of gentle gag may be needed.
If Barney spanks 'in the moment' he has to use a quiet implement. I haven't ever been much of a noise maker ( unless whatever he is using wraps around and hits the side of my thigh). I am more of a hisser, and snorter ( think angry bull..lol) truth be told.
He has several quiet implements, various canes, a devil's braid, flogger ( which is very ineffective so he doesn't use it), silicone icing spreader ( Damn you Betty Crocker) the list goes on. He usually sticks with the lexan cane for all infractions, regardless of if people are home or not. The difference lays in the length of time and the position of the punishment. I am far more exposed, and retrained if the kids are not home.
Lately, I've been spanked in the walk-in closet in our bedroom because the clothes hanging all around seem to dampen the sound when there are other people in the house. Eric has even used a big leather strap in there and as far as we could tell, nobody was the wiser. Amy
We'll hide it... keep it quiet, somehow. while traveling or visiting. At home, that's another story, it doesn't matter who is around it's not going to be a quiet affair. That was one of her first rules in agreeing to an FLR relationship. When in the house, much to my dismay, there is no hiding the fact that she is the HOH. I've been hauled up/downstairs many a time in front of friends and family for a good blistering with her razor strap/strop over the years.
If we need to be quiet the spanking will be shorter and P will use a cane. Either our OTK one or a thin garden cane.
He uses a quoted implement, like a cane to spank. And I do everything I can to not scream. The spankings are usually shorter in time but harder in the spank.
Hi Hermione,
We used to live on a poperty in 2 separate buildings so if everyone wa in the main house we could occasionally indulge but now we are all in one house (extended family live with myself, my wife and our 4 kids) there is no chance unless we go away and check into a hotel. Haven't had an opportunity where there is only my wife and I are the only ones home. Yet...
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