Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday FAIL

Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and that makes me think of bountiful meals and edible decorations. So let's enjoy a few food FAILs today.

His brother must not have taken Nutrition 101.

Is  the grill not working today? Where's the beef?

Fish isn't "the other white meat" or, for that matter, the other red meat.

The Taco Light, for people counting their calories.

Get the paddle ready for the employee who posted this sign.

Before you leave, please feel free to Complete the Caption.

From Hermione's Heart


Roz said...

LoL Hermione, definite fails! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)


ronnie said...

Hermione, love your Friday Fails. Thanks.


Katie said...

Fun Fails, Hermione!:) Love the ice one! Hope that you and Ron have a lovely weekend. Many hugs,

<3 Katie

Aimless Rambling said...

Obviously the last is the biggest fail, but I'd sure be disappointed with the taco. I think there may be a burger under the cheese but it's a mini. All fails.
Don't fail to have a great weekend.

Cat said...

Loved them all, Hermione but the biggest fail for me is the taco also. Ya don't mess with my tacos. LOL Have a great weekend.

Hugs and blessings...Cat