(Girl on right) Though Ms. Flossbottom's course always had a waiting list, and no student ever skipped a class, later evaluations showed that not only did her pupils have no grasp of the subject matter...but most could not say what the subject even was.
Anon 1: Janet, my partner, will always spank when I dress like this.
Dave: After studying both photos , I sadly realize there isn't enough blood in my body to support an erection AND a witty comment. Sorry.
No need to apologize, Dave!
Anon 2: (both girls) There are 2 of us and we come as a team. We have different tastes. We will both come over. But you have to decide which of us you really want to know.
Baxter: (Girl on left) Yeah I know what you are thinking,looking at my butt, but trust me, you will be over my knee getting your bottom warmed with my hairbrush before you can protest or run away.
Anon 3: (Girl on left) So my girl, this is what you think appropriate to wear to school do you? Well a jolly good otk spanking will erase that idea from your pretty little head...
(Girl on right) Defiance will get you nowhere my girl now take that look off your face and get over the desk now so I can teach that pert little bottom of yours the meaning of respect...
Sir Wendel: Detention after school always included a spanking.
Ronnie: What are you waiting for, It's not going to spank itself?
Jack: (Girl on the left) "...but, I didn't do it!"
(Girl on the right) "... I did! What are you going to do about it?"
(Girl on the left) "What ... are ... you ... looking ... at?"
(Girl on the right) "Yes! WHAT are YOU looking at??!!"
(Both girls) Discipline Time
Hermione: (Both girls) Felicity and Samantha enjoyed sharing a room at Miss Clement's Academy, although Samantha liked it a bit less when Felicity got out the ruler.
For more fun and games, and maybe a little discipline, please come back for brunch. It will be served in the schoolroom in a few hours.

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