Dave: My dream job is reading this blog! [I'm (finally) retired!]
My dream job is
KSPierre: My dream job is being an established movie, literary, political, and social critic...who designs sets for horror movies on the side!
Hands63: My dream job is the host of “The Bachelorette “.
Michael M: My dream job is Captain of a superyacht.
Anon: My dream job is being The Lone Spanker, a man who travels the world and administers spankings to naughty women who think they're too old to be spanked but are desperately in need of being taken across a gentleman's lap and soundly paddled on their bare bottoms.
My dream job is being a spanking therapist who specializes in teaching older couples the benefits of male partners administering sound spankings to their wayward female partners.
My dream job is being a writer.
Jack: My dream job is being a teacher. Teaching children is good - teaching adults is even better and it is what I have my BS degree in. But I am not doing that now. Maybe one day again..
Sir Wendel: My dream job is being a Walt Disney World character making kids and grown-ups smile.
js666: My dream job is Punishment Master at a girls' school. Someone once wrote in to a teenage advice column about being sent to the "punishment master" at her all-girls school -- some guy whose full-time job it is to administer spankings to teenage girls. Yeah right.
Hermione: My dream job is product quality control supervisor for Cane-iac.

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