Now you can have your spanking intentions delivered to some lucky recipient, and decorate the holiday table at the same time.
The Mixing Bowl Bouquet, complete with wooden spoons and cinnamon sticks, is available from Teleflora. Contact your local florist for details.
The Christmas Present Bouquet is a slightly less obvious arrangement that still sends the right signals to those in the know. Who wouldn't enjoy a cane at Christmas? Order it now from Sears.
"According To Your Mother..."
1 hour ago
Great minds must think alike. I saw the bouquet with the spoons online and thought the same thing. Wow, what a festive little pervert-able gift. lol
Practical and handy is a good thing. We are being naughty now so that the New Years resolutions clause that don't get carried out do not come into play.
funny, Great minds think alike. I never think of cooking when I see wooden spoons.
Merry Christmas!
Wow, I especially LOVE the mixing bowl one! Seems like an awesome thing to get during work hours, where nobody would ever suspect it but you'd actually receive something spanking-related out in the open for once.
Happy Holidays.
wow, they are fantastic, I also like the mixing bowl one best, I also agree with Maggie, would love to receive it at work. there are a couple that I suspect would guess the meaning would be very interesting, Hugs to all
Lil Sam
Daisy - They do indeed! How cool that you saw it too.
Fab - They go hand in hand.
Red - There are lots of great minds around these days. neither do I!
Ally - Merry Christmas to you too.
Maggie - Wouldn't that be fun!
Burl - Happy Holidays to you too.
Lil Sam - You mean they'd suspect you like to cook? LOL.
Hugs and holiday wishes to all,
Definitely a win Hermione. The candy cane bouquet my favourite. I'd would love to receive it.
Thanks for sharing these Hermione.
Love and best wishes.
Ronnie - They are both quite the double entendre bouquets.
It's almost Christmas where you are!
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