If you are the spankee in your relationship, would you agree to be spanked by a stranger in order to help your husband / wife / partner get ahead or keep a job? If you are the spanker, would you encourage your husband / wife / partner to go through with it?
Leave your thoughts as a comment and I will publish the outcome once everyone has had a chance to speak.

Wow, what an interesting question!
Though it makes great fiction, for me, in real life, it feels wrong on so many levels. I would see it as sexual harassment. Also, if a person would ask this of an employee, what else would be asked down the road?
For my husband and I, spanking is sexual and we are monogamous therefore this situation would feel like having an affair.
I live in a province where there has been a huge, ongoing inquiry into scandal in the construction industry which, maybe, has made me even more sensitive to these things. I could see where this situation might fit in.
All that being said, the story made for great fiction! Fun to imagine but don't try this at home.
If I am the spankee, yes, I would give it a go. If I am the spanker, no. First, my wife would never agree to it and, second, it just wouldn't feel right to put someone else in that position.
As the spanker--no, I just can't see doing that.
My lovely spankee makes her gorgeous bottom readily available for me to indulge my spanking whims on it, but there is no way I would even consider asking her to offer it to someone else as a payment.
As a spankee....i would worry about what would they want next....so no.
hugs abby
Absolutely, a husband should offer his wife to the boss, if it meant a substantial promotion, or raise for him. And his wife should except this proposal willingly.
Not a hard question here! NO! strangers don't spank me. Not ever!
Nothing doing with that. I am the spankee and my wife the spanker. It is fun to fantasize about, but in reality, it wouldn't happen.
We can see it as being quite fun.
NO to both.
Yes but I can't see it happening.I did enjoy your post.
As the submissive ... Yes! I believe it is a simple matter of whether there is a limit line that is being crossed or not. It's not a hard limit for me, so yes, if I was told by my Mistress that it was going to happen, it would happen, however unlikely it is to actually happen.
If I were the dominant, i'd probably say no.
Interesting question.
Simple answer no.
This is the spanko indecent proposal.
My first answer was no, of course not. My second thought was how much spanking and how much money? A few swats on my clothed bottom for a million dollars might be a no-brainer. I guess it would depend.
Not a snowball in hell's chance!
love Jan,xx
Yes I would agree to getting a spanking, on the condition that the boss was either an experienced spanker or willing to be supervised/instructed by an experienced spanker. This is so that I would not have to do any "Topping from the bottom" and annulling any positive effect that the spanking might produce.
No and No. For Rob's (eyes) hand only! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Sorry, no, that is just too far-fetched for me. I wouldn't let someone spank me for my own promotion, so I certainly wouldn't let someone spank me for my mate's. For one thing, the spanker will be even more of a stranger than my own boss or hiring manager. Also, I just don't see this as a realistic situation.
I have to agree with most here. Very interesting "story" but in R/L no way. I do have a fantasy that R might some day let one of her friends witness my spanking but that is very different.
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