Simon: Few people realise that the brolly-cycle joust is the traditional method for picking the Mayor of London.
Six of the Best: "Touche, on your Tush," said the handsome knight to the beautiful lady on their bikes.
Bonnie: Barrister Quidditch just never caught on.
Bobbie Jo: The Gentleman's Jousting Club of London held an impromptu joust to settle a business argument. The looser was pummeled with umbrellas to completely settle the matter. He later complained of having difficulty working at his desk.
Brat: Meanwhile, Hagrid cannot find his umbrella....
Han: One more time folks, so we know you've got it right, sing along:
"It's raining men, Hallelujah!"
Leigh: Am I awful, I automatically thought I hope it wasn't up your tush.
js666: Wait a minute, I never insulted you! I thought you insulted me! Why, that little minx! However shall we deal with her?
Minelle: Let's trade!!! Mine is closed!
Ronnie: The Gentlemen's Club had a new initiation ritual for its membership.
Ricky: Closed umbrella bicycle jousting.
No rain checks, please.
You had to be there.
Hermione: The Ministry of Silly Walks announces their latest department: Maniacal Cyclists Assistance Services.
Well, that was refreshing! For something completely different, please stay for brunch, coming up next.

Colin didn't care about the game. In a way, he'd already won by taping a sign that said, "Spank Me" on his competitor's back!
These were fun to read, Hermione! :) Very creative and made me lol. Many hugs and thanks,
<3 Katie
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