What words of advice or encouragement do you have for the newest members of our blogging community? Are there any tips for new bloggers that you have discovered and would like to share? What about the pitfalls, and what to avoid?
Leave your reply as a comment, and I will publish a summary of our discussion once everyone has had a chance to speak.

I would tell them to be as honest and true to themselves and in their writing if they want to receive the most out of their blogging experience.
As far as etiquette goes ANSWER your COMMENTS. People take time to offer support and advice. Take the time to thank them. I understand that some times it is difficult to answer, so during those times, just say that at the start of your next post. As Rogue once said, " It is polite to speak when spoken too"
If you want more readers, comment more on other's blogs. You don't have to link your blog in their comment box, just have your blogger id linked to your blog. Other bloggers will follow you 'home'. Don't be shy if you don't think what you have to say is valuable. A simple, " Hello and I understand' will work.
I was going to say what willie said, but she of course says it much better than I ever could :-)
Also, it's okay to have a fiction blog, or for it to be real life, or a combination of the two. Out of consideration for your readers, you should make it clear what each post is. There was a blog I thought was real, only to find out it wasn't. It was just a odd feeling. There wasn't deception, I just misunderstood what it was.
And then being honest goes without saying... if you claim it's real and want to build real-life friendships, it had better be real.
Comment, comment, comment. The more you comment on others' blogs, the more they can get to know you. And for gosh sake, acknowledge when someone comments on your blog!
I don't have a blog so maybe I shouldn't comment. But I do read a lot of blogs and know what I like to read. Let me say that I am in a spanking relationship my wife spanks me. I have to agree with what has been posted so far and for me I love to read what is really going on in a spanking relationship. There are fiction sites all over the net and myself I don't care to read fiction on a blog unless it's related to what goes on in your real life.
Don't try to appeal to the masses. Don't feel pressured into expressing views that aren't your own. It's more important to have a small community of readers who like and respect each others' views than to try to cater to every interest. And, some readers of kinky blogs are pretty dictatorial about the rules or definitions that they think apply. Don't put up with that. It's your blog. If someone doesn't like what you or another reader is expressing, they can go somewhere else. And, one I learned from personal experience, and which Hermione gave me wise advice about: Don't respond to pests. It just gives them a microphone. Just delete each of the offending comments until they either get the message or leave.
One technical recommendation: The "Pages" function in Blogger allows you to create topic tabs that take readers to different pages. I think it really helps structure the blog and allow people to find the content they are searching for.
I would encourage everyone to do it your way! Try and have fun. We are all different!
Always be respectful even when you disagree. Comments that belittle or denigrate another are just wrong. Thoughtful discussion and varying opinions are always welcome and appreciated!
This is a wonderful community of support!
It's your blog...post what you want with no apologies. But remember...when you post something, you are inviting comments unless you turn them off. Be open to receiving all kinds of feedback, honestly consider it all and reply politely even if you don't agree.
Hugs and Blessings...
Like in life, if it sounds too good or bad to be true, it ususally is. Take everything you read with a grain of salt and don't compare with anyone else - you are an original and not like anyone else so why would their exact dynamic work for you.
All of the above are good comments. I'll add two ideas. First, a blog should be content rich, that is, it should give readers the substance of what they are looking for. Too many blogs are thin promotional vehicles for commercial endeavors or have little of interest to say.
Second, update often. Once you get a following they will come back regularly, but you have to constantly add content.
And yeah, comment on other people's blogs frequently.
Good comments.
Make it your blog be true and don't compare yourself with others. Make sure you reply to all comments. If you need help, don't be afraid to ask this is a wonderful community.
For the past few years, I've directed readers to this post. I think most of it still makes sense.
Beyond that, I suggest that blogging life is an extension of real life. Common sense rules should apply in both places. Don't believe a story from an online person that you wouldn't believe from a real life person. Equally important, don't let anyone treat you or speak to you online in ways that you won't accept elsewhere. Being online is not a valid excuse for rudeness, abusiveness, stupidity, or deception.
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