Maybe at the zoo?
This must be one of those Walmarts that's open all night.
Get a room!
Very elegant. Maybe she's testing it before her wedding.
Not quite...
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Your WM pics are the best!!!
The hair dying one, I wonder if they realize they have to rinse it out.....
The Walmart Friday fails always amaze me and make me shake my head on wonder...
hugs abby
Oh gosh, these are just so bad, that all in one thing has made me laugh so much
love Jan,xx
Sarah - I'm willing to bet they didn't plan ahead.
Abby - Me too!
Jan - It was gross, all right.
Good grief LoL. These are so bad *shaking head*
The hand down her pants....what can one say walking by that scene? It certainly didn't look like she even felt it.
"Here honey let me.... You are working on your laptop....."
Funny as always Hermione. Thanks
I’m guessing the one is dying her hair so she looks prettier on her date with the older guy who likes to grope. Although he may be looking for a spare Cheeto to hold him over while they order. We may never (or want to)know.
OMG - every time I think there can't possibly anything worse - there is.
Thank you for those great Friday fails. This week the pictures left me a little perplexed. If anybody told me what the pictures show, I would not believe half of it! :)
Roz - Sad, isn't it?
Minelle - She was totally oblivious.
Sir Wendel - A spare Cheeto - ROFLMAO!
Leigh - Yup. There's always another one, worse than the last.
Nina - I scratch my head over them too.
Have you ever seen Jimmy Fallon's "EWW!" skit? That's all I can think right now.
Thanks for sharing these very interesting Walmart pics Hermione! :) Ummm... I hope that I don't come across that fella with the hand down the woman's pants. I don't want to know what he was up to... ICK! LOL! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Hi Hermione,
When I am in Walmart I have become more observant since you started posting Walmartians.
Around here, believe it or not, most Walmart shoppers are in designer-label clothing. The worst dressed ones are the shoppers who actually wear Walmart clothes &/or no make-up. Must be this province!
LOL Hermione...good Friday fails! Sheesh...dying your hair in the parking lot...and then what...dripping in to the ladies room to rinse it in the sink?
The man with the hand down the back of the woman's the diner counter? Not hungry now. Oh and Minelle...put your glasses on...that's a menu not a laptop. :)
Hahaha!!! Totally hadn't a clue!!! I thought lots of other thoughts with his hand 'there.' Be thankful I didn't share!
Erica - No, I haven't, but I'll look for it on YouTube.
Katie - I think they have thrown them both out of the Macdonald's in Walmart.
A. Lurker - Funny, Ron said the same thing. He likes to go to Walmart to see the sights :) I must admit no one I saw there yesterday was wearing designer clothes. It was casual Friday.
Cat - I've seen a lot of things going on in the parking lot, but the hair dying tops everything.
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