In the three and a half years that Hermione's Heart has been in existence, we've laughed together more often than we've cried together, and that's the way I like it. I'm glad that so many of you return day after day for the lighthearted approach to spanking that I strive for here. There have been a few serious posts, and there will be more in the future, but my main aim is for good, clean (well, maybe not so clean sometimes) fun as it relates to spanking.
Here's to the next million hits, and to you, my loyal readers.

Congratulations on the one million hits, Hermione! I like reading your posts and I check it every day. Thank you for sharing. :D
Congratulations Hermione. I love reading your posts.
Your one in a million Hermione.
Congratulations to you and thanks for all the great posts.
Love and hugs.
Congratulations!! Glad I could be a small part!!
I absolutely love your blog and follow it daily.... you ROCK!! ;o)
Bravo, Hermione, and congratulations! Here's to many more...
Hooray! You keep us on the up side of spanking and it's always a pleasure to stop by!
Happy One Million! To celebrate, Ron could give you 1,000,000 spanks today. To accomplish this task in a 24 hour period, he's going to have to deliver about 695 spanks per minute, or 12 swats a second. Enjoy!
And fortuitously, the word verification I got just now in order to post this comment is "redst". You're bum is going to be quite redst!
Congratulations Hermione, you are now a MILLIONAIRE. Spanks-a-lot for your blog, and I'll sing to you, "O Canada".
Hermoine - I LOVE your blog and read it everyday since I discovered it! Keep blogging! And CONGRATULATONS on One Million Hits!! That's so great!
Could not have happened to a nicer, more generous blogger. Here's to the next million.
Congratulations and jubilations, let the good times continue.
Woohooooo! Well deserved, Hermione. Congratulations. :-D
Mindy - Thanks you. It's nice to know you're a regular.
Joey - Thanks for being a faithful reader and commenter.
Ronnie - Its always my pleasure.
Mikki - Your visits are special.
Bonnie - Thank you, and don't worry. There will be many more.
Meow - For every up, there's a down - ouch!
Season - He's a pretty fast spanker, but I doubt he could match that pace. Let's try for 48 hours :-)
Six - I can hear the anthem from here. How kind of you!
Sky - Thank you for your faithful readership. Every visit counts.
Emanuele - I hope the next million won't take as long.
Prefectdt - I intend to celebrate this achievement.
Erica - Thank you so much.
WOWWWWWWWWWWWW, Hermione, congrats! xxxxxxxxx
I know you hear this a lot, but your blog ROCKS!
P.S. I love your lighthearted approach and I love your stories that make me want to go get spanked, lol! Long live spanking!!!
Congratulations! Found your post recently and have read as many as I could find. Love the laughs. Patty
Congrats Hermione - your blog is one of the greats and one million hits says it all :) heres to the next million :) xx
You deserve your 1m. Hope you get a good reward for your efforts. great blog.
Michael M
Wow...congratulations, this is fantastic to read
Daisy - Thank you.
Kitty - I can't hear that often enough!
Patty - Welcome! I'm so glad you found my blog, and left a comment today.
Kiwigirliegirl - I'll second that, and I hope the second million doesn't take as long.
Michael - I think Ron might be able to come up with a suitable reward.
HS - Thank you.
I am so sorry that I was not here earlier- please forgive me.
Congratulations to you. You are an inspiration, not just in what you write but also in the way you are kind and inclusive.
Thank you and here is to the next million
Poppy - It's never too late for a lovely comment from you. Thank you!
Congrats! Love your blog and hope you get to a million more!
Congrats! Love your blog and hope you get to a million more!
Thank you, Lea.
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