U had 2 many cheezburgers

"...I'm also a horse trainer...I treat them all like women--with a gentle hand for the most part, a firm one when needed, and a good slap to the hindquarters when they get too feisty."
"Shall I demonstrate?"
"Too bad. You do look so nice in pink."
He was referring to her blushes...
"Do you remember what I told you I do to horses and women who get too feisty?" He asked in a softly menacing tone. Megan could only nod, words failing her. "You're due."
"I'll wager your father has never laid a disciplinary hand on you, has he?"
She didn't mistake his meaning. "You wouldn't dare."
"I believe you know I would dare. Care to put it to the test?"
"Someone has to teach you some sense, and come to think of it, there's no time like the present."After another 200 pages of nonsense, they lived happily ever after.
He caught her hand and started dragging her to the mounting block. Megan's mouth dropped open, her eyes widened incredulously, and she was a little bit in shock, knowing exactly what the amn intended doing.
"Wait a minute, Devlin, you can't really...I'll have you arrested. I'll have you--"
She landed hard across his knees the moment he sat down on the mounting block. She was about to scream her head off when he said, "Making a lot of noise won't stop me, brat. It'll just draw you an audience to watch."
The first smack was a revelation. It made a lot of noise when his hand connected with her bottom, though it didn't actually hurt. She'd forgotten that she had worn one of her thickest riding skirts. Well, the joke was on Devlin, but she'd never tell. Of course, that was only the first whack. By the time he finished, and that was quite a while later, repetition had made silk out of thick wool, and Megan didn't feel like laughing.
June 30 at 10:42 am
Thank you for the fantastic "positions" posts and after reviewing the positions numerous times I came up with a fantastic idea. I am Canadian and tomorrow is Canada Day so I told hubby we are going to have a Canada Day Marathon. Throughout the day tomorrow I am going to spank him in every one of the positions that you posted. I have not decided on all the details for example I was thinking 10 smacks in each position but maybe more not sure as we have all day for the spanking and if I should just use my hand or?
Should be fun.
June 30 at 12:40 pm
Again thank you for the position info. I decided that I would use a number of implements. I made a screen shot of the positions and cut them out. Wayne will draw one out of a container. He then will draw another paper from a different container that will have sheets of paper with my favorite implements including my hand. Only detail left is number of spanks.
July 1 at 1:21 am
I am all set to start my Spanking Marathon day first thing in the morning. I count a total of 25 different positions at 10 smacks each position it will be a fun day for me.
July 1 at 6:19 pm
Started at 7:00 am this morning. 18 positions and 180 spanks down 7 positions and 70 spanks to go. His bottom has been red all day lol.
July 2 at 12:15 am
All done.
25 positions - 250 spanks = 1 red bottom (and warm to the touch I might add lol)
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