Due to technical difficulties, you may not have seen the yesterday's Guess the Implement post in your blogroll. So I'll give you a moment to scratch your head and wonder what this thing is for, besides warming a bottom.
When you're ready, scroll down.
Who would have guessed?

hmpf. Could be used as a washboard.
B'Man - Yes, it could. You were very close!
Wow, now that's a rather obscure item. And in pink? Just goes to show you can spank with ANYTHING, huh?
But just how sturdy would those top cans be? I don't even like the fridge packs that the cans come in now,our sodas are on the door in all their naked glory! ;)
Sara - You sure can, and this little devil is quite stingy.
Scunge - The top cans would be quite precarious. I suppose they can only roll sideways, if you position this gadget right.
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