Here's a lovely postcard of a beautiful lady preparing for bed. That bed looks quite high; just the right height for bending over and getting a good... Sorry. I digress. Unfortunately, the bottom of the card seems to be missing. "Send me a husband who - " Can you finish her request?
I will post your responses tomorrow, and I just might be able to restore the bottom half of the card by then, so you can see the original.
Now, where's my tape dispenser?

Cute picture :-)
The girl looks a bit sneaky...
... knows what to do,
And how to turn my bottom red.
I agree, she does look a bit mischevious! I like how she's kindly wearing a red dressing gown, giving said husband a color to judge the redness of her bottom against!
Thanks Hermione, these are always fun :)
The naughty lady is saying in her prayers. "Please send me a husband like 'six of the best', who knows what to do with a grown up women who errs in her life. Send me this man, who can raise a naughty woman's dress waist high, take down her knickers, and cane her bare bottom with painful stripes". Please, I beg of you?."
Spanks me well
And makes my bottom red!
Please send me a husband who will take me over his knee and spank me hard until my bottom is red and sore just like the girl in the book.
Have a wonderful weekend.
She does look very bratty and that sideways look suggests that she has her eye on something.
"Send me a husband who does not notice that I have balanced a bucket of water on the top of the door."
"Send me a husband who always knows,
how to keep me up on my toes,
with thuddy whacks,
and stingy smacks,
will keep my bottom a ruddy rose".
Knows how to spank me through & through
When I don't do what he wants me to
Because I'd rather be red than blue !!!
Hmm, I believe the entire ditty goes as follows:
A maiden bowed her lovely head,
And thus her little prayer she said,
Send me a husband who's well-bred,
Across whose knees I will be led,
With hands I'll come to love and dread,
And please make sure he's good in bed!
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