Michael wrote a lovely poem about us for Bonnie's recent poetry brunch. In case you missed it, I'll share it with you:
Hermione hails from the land of the maple leaf
Spanking is her passion and core belief
Her man Ron has a firm hand
Playing her bum like a one man band
Who after paddling her offers sweet "relief"
That Michael is a mind reader (or maybe it's because all Tops think alike). You see, Ron's special enjoyment of spanking me comes from the very unique music that each implement makes when it connects with my posterior. I often think of him as a one-man band as he produces a wide variety of sounds (excluding the ones that come from my mouth.) Here are some of them:
SMACK The dogging bat. It's probably the loudest implement in our collection.
TIK TOK The broad flat wooden paddle. It sounds like a ping pong match with a distinct difference between impact on the left and right cheeks.
WHOP The leather belt. It is flexible so the strokes are farther apart and they hurt so good.
SPLIT SPLAT The rubber spatula. It makes two slightly different sounds depending on whether the concave or the convex side connects with my bottom. Ron frequently demonstrates the difference, much to my dismay and his amusement.
Tappity tappity tap tap tappa tap The slender wooden shoehorn. Its sound is high-pitched, and Ron usually apples it quickly with an irregular rhythm; the rhythm of a tune only he can hear. Then it's several swats to one side, more or less the same number to the other, and a flurry of taps right in the middle that never fails to make me squeal. But that just adds to the musicality of our chastisement concerto.
THUPP The black leather strap. A major force to contend with.
PLOTT The long wooden spatula. It's quite a useful tool, but not in the kitchen. I cringe as I hear it coming through the air, then it lands.
SWOOSH Then there is the dressage whip. Ron loves to swish it back and forth very quickly near my head, and it whooshes in an ominous way. I cringe as I hear it, knowing how it will feel when it ultimately lands.
THWICK The sound of the dressage whip when it finally finds its way to my bottom.
To all of these auditory stimuli I respond in the same way: OW. I'll have to expand my vocabulary to match Ron's.

The 'spanking poem', and those discriptive words of your's Hermione, are music to my ears.
How about recording the sounds for us?
Very cool. Thanks.
Six - I'm glad. I must tell Ron.
Bogey - That's a wonderful idea! Then you could let me know if I spelled the sounds correctly.
Joey - Thank you.
Hermione, so glad you liked my little ditty, and even more that it "hit" so close to home. Not surprised at all that Ron is a percussive maestro who plays you like a finely tuned instrument.
Love your onomatopoeia list of sounds generated by each ouchy implement. I particularly liked "Tappity tappity tap tap tappa tap. The slender wooden shoehorn..." I can just hear that reverberating off your bum followed by your yips and squeals. :-)
This is a great help for the 'instrument' seeker. The 'Swoosh' sounds dramatic - nice!
You had me smiling reading this, very good Hermione.
I personally like the THWICK sound.
I do like Bogey's idea.
Michael - Your poem had a certain resonance :) Choosing the sounds was pretty tricky but that one was easy!
KayLynn - Very dramatic, and scary!!! More about Swoosh in an upcoming post.
Ronnie - Thanks. It was a challenge to come up with some fresh new variations on the sounds. I was tired of smack and whack.
We don't have a recording device, unless I can borrow one from work.
I love this -- looks like a "Chross"er to me! And the poems were a terrific read.
Erica - The poems were all so much fun to both write and read.
I was Chrossed, but not for this post. Congrats on your Chrossing for the excellent Spanking Court post.
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