Spongebob goes to school?
Football rules call for using your head instead of your hands, right?
Butt implants gone too far.
Get that thing away from me!
Duct tape is mighty handy for repairing those unsightly cracks.
It's still feels like winter up here where I live.

wow my eyes hurting from looking as some of those pictures.
That one guy would need a few rolls of duct tape to cover that crack. He might be a plumber or and appliance repair man just my thoughts :)
I cannot believe the duct tape picture. But, I am glad the space was covered by something.
I wonder if he realizes how much pain he will be in when the duct tape that is attached to bottom hair is removed.
So bad on so many levels.
LOL on the Sponge Bob one, Hermione! That must happen all the time. Never thought of that! Haha! OOOh on the duct tape. A good fix I'd say. But yes, could use more! Hugs!
<3 Katie
We should all walk around with duct tape and use it (on others) when necessary!
OK, I confess, I looked at the last one and went 'spring my donkey'???? It's a Brit thing - ass / arse.....
LoL Hermione, duct tape? - seriously?
love the spring photo...
bottoms up
I know fails but they all made me smile and my favourite was the butt plug picture.
Love the burro, that was not a fail. The rest definitely were not good.
Bob - Maybe someone complained about the exposure.
Joey - OUCH!!!
Katie - I seem to recall looking at quite a few teachers' bums in class. Not a pretty sight:(
St - Toss a roll into your handbag or knapsack and be prepared.
DelFonte - I didn't think of that. A Canadian sent me the picture, and we don't say arse.
Roz - Well, maybe tongue in cheek?
Red - It certainly applies today. Brrr!
Ronnie - Yeah, that was decidedly odd!
Sunny - The ass itself isn't a FAIL but the weather sure is:(
It never ceases to amaze me the uses for duct tape!
hugs abby
The duck tape and butt plug? Seriously bad! LOL.
Ouch, definitely fails! But the donkey is sweet. :-) Have a great weekend, Hermione.
Oh my stars ..Now, I will always associate a duct tape with this photo. How to delete this image out of my head? ..lol..
Abby - It's a remarkable product. Whatever did we do before it was invented?
Minelle - Srsly.
Kaelah - Thanks, and the same to you.
Mona - Eye bleach, anyone?
OMG these are all horrible, lol!
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