While wandering through the archives of some of my favourite blogs, I found this three word meme.
The idea is to use exactly three words to answer each of the questions, so here goes.
1. Where is your cell phone? What cell phone?
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? Husband is enough
3. Hair? Only hairdresser knows
4. Your mother? Don't go there
5. Your father? Never knew him
6. Your favorite item(s)? iPad, waffle iron
7. Your dream last night? It involved spanking
8. Your favorite drink? Chilled white wine
9. Your dream guy/girl? Doctor Martin Ellingham
10. The room you are in? My husband's study
11. Your fear? Death and taxes
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? Just as healthy
13. Who did you hang out with last night? Four family members
14. What are you not? Brave and adventurous
15. What's outside your window? Chickadees at feeder
16. One of your wish list items? A cell phone
17. What time is it? Seven eleven exactly
18. The last thing you did? Fed the dogs
19. What are you wearing? Sleep shirt, leggings
20. Your favorite book? Miss Read series
21. The last thing you ate? Cheese and apple
22. Your life? Is a joy
23. Your mood? Raring to go
24. Your car? A white Vibe
25. What are you doing at this moment? Writing this meme
26. Your summer? Lots of gardening
27. Travel plans? Museums, historical sites
28. What is on your TV screen? It's not on
29. Last time you cried? I can't remember
30. School? Never too old
Please feel free to try it yourself and share it with other bloggers.

Awesome, thanks Hermione!! What happened to your cell phone??
Fun, I will probably borrow it.
This is great...I may have to borrow this, too! :-)
You know me and memes, I'll just have to borrow it.
Loved your answers. Thanks Hermione.
Thanks Hermione for sharing your answers to the meme.
Great answers! I actually just used a meme I found on your blog in a previous post .. this was fun to read. :)
Great answers. I think that this would be fun to try. Three word answers make it more interesting. Hope you get that cell phone
SIrQsmlb - Cutbacks at work resulted in having to relinquish my office BlackBerry.
Sunny - Please do.
Terps - Of course! Be my guest.
Ronnie - Memes are so much fun!
Joey - My pleasure.
Kenzie - Help yourself to this one too.
Blondie - I hope so too:)
Fun! I'm going to try it too!
I remember these memes were so popular on MySpace, and I was a sucker for them. :-)
Love your answers...I'd be in the museums too!
I hope you do not mind...but I plan on trying this. It seems like so much fun.
This is fun Hermoine, loved your answers! I may have to try this too!
Angelbrat - The more the merrier!
Erica - Maybe you could resurrect some of the old ones we newcomers haven't seen.
Minelle - Please do. It'll be fun to read yours.
Roz - Be my guest.
Great answers. This IS harder than it looks...
No cell phone? *gasp* (lol) Not by choice, I see. :(
St - Welcome! No, not by choice, and I went through quite a withdrawal period!
I hope you will try the meme on your blog too.
Very cool, Hermione!
Six - That is such a sweet thing to say:)
Christina - Thank you.
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