Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blogging at Work

Why it's not such a good idea.

From Hermione's Heart


Spanky said...

True indeed. I don't dare look at such things at work (in fact it's not possible since our internet has extensive blocks and we're watched).

Meow said...

Since I work at home, no one is likely to drop in!! Hooray!! Unfortunately the pie chart precisely describes how much work I get done. Meow

pammie said...

Yes, I don't dare look at these sites at work. That's why I'm always on the computer so early in the morning!

MarQe said...

Hermione !!!! My Office !!!

dwcmike said...

Interesting use of a pie chart. Now I know how you can surf the net so often. Make certain that your surfing is safe, and does not get you fired, or Ron will actually give you your first REAL Disciplinary Spanking.
I, however, love the items you find...
:-) Mike

Hermione said...

Spanky - We are watched too, so this isn't a depiction of what I really do by any means.

Meow - working at home would be lovely, but I agree, I wouldn't be very productive.

Pammie - You're a wise woman.

MarQe - Yes, sir!

Mike - Those are wise words. I assure you I don't make use of office resources to go anywhere near blogs, or even my Google reader. I know the risks, and am not anxious to be outed or lose my job.


Daisychain said...

LOL, Hermione, I understood the tongue in cheek bit; thats how we all would be if given the chance, right?
But, I, as you, wouldn't DARE trying it in case discovered, and anyway, dont have access to the internet at work.... so the temptation isn't there, thankfully! Love n hugs, Daisy xxxxx

ronnie said...

Hi Hermione, I'm sure I left a comment yesterday but I know blogger was playing up.

I'm lucky we have our own office and sometimes I work from home so no problem using internet or prying eyes :)


Hermione said...

Daisy - It's good that you don't have the temptation at work.Unfortunately I would be lost without it, and I also need it to do my job.

Ronnie - Blogger does have its moments!

You're very lucky to be able to do as you like without Big Brother watching.


Mina said...

Hehe, good one. I too cannot look at spanking blogs at work since we had people fired recently for viewing then storing porn during work stupid can you get.


Hermione said...

Mina - Some people just don't realize how easy it is to monitor their activity.