So many of you correctly guessed the implement in last month's contest that I have had to search the corners of our toy box for something special.
What do you think this pretty wooden thing is used for in the vanilla world? It could be found anywhere. it isn't necessarily in its correct orientation; this photo might be on its side or upside down. I haven't given you any way to judge the actual size of the object either; it could be very large or very small.
Leave a comment with your guess, and I'll announce the winner in a few days. The prize? The winner will give or receive thirty-one swats with the wooden implement of their choice. Why thirty-one? Because it's the number of days in October.

I'll de-lurk myself and answer this one, as I had one of those when I was a teenager (used solely for its vanilla purposes, as I wasn't really even aware of my submissive inclinations at that point). It's an incense burner.
Hi Hermione...I agree with Daisy on what the implement is. I too have had one for insense burning.
But I have to disagree with you on how many days October has. You forgot Halloween, October 31. :)
I have to agree with the other two, it is an incense burner...and I still use mine, I have about three...to burn incense that is
We have one, too. Thanks for showing us another non-vanilla use! Meow
Yep, incense burner. That one looks like it comes from one of those stores...tie dyed shirts, Indian skirts and inscense..takes me back to the early 70's...the good old days! ;)
Oh yes!
That is what it is- I was so excited when I saw it, I thought I knew something no one else did ... then I looked.
Anyway- it is an incense burner.
Yeah for me.
Thank goodness everyone got a chance to respond before I did, I was about to make a right tit of myself with my guess, lol :-)
Ok I had no clue what it was either so thanks to all that had one and said incense burner. So thats my guess and if I win I chose to receive 30 spanks from any girl that wants to email me about it. Gulp. email is as follows fab529@yahoo.com if I don't win you can email me anyway, lol. Hermione see all the trouble you get me in?
LOL Im a little late I guess but I guessed it was an incense burner. I have one as well though mine doesnt appear to be as sturdy for spanking use LOL. it might break real easy.
Another one noticing it's an incense burner! It looks quite a lot like one of mine, also, though like cookie I have qualms about its sturdiness. ;-)
Alittle late, but better late than never. An incense burner! :) I used one all the time, well still do! And never would have thought of using that for spanks!
hmmm, a bit late I see and my answer has already been taken... incense burner. BWT, there is 31 days in October, not 30... you should be spanked for that!
I'm going to answer before reading other answers...so as to be fair to myself. lol
I think it's an incense holder. Did I spell that right? I haven't used one since Highschool...
You're all too clever! And thanks for pointing out the correct number of swats the winner should receive. I guess I was imagining winning the prize myself when I typed that!
Well incense burner yes but, putting on my little pedantry hat, incense in the form of joss sticks. So officially a joss stick holder. O God! I even irritate myself when I get all niggley like that.
It's an incense burner the kind you put the sticks of incense into. Used a lot this past Renaissance season as the bees were HORRIBLE and this helps keep them away!
Well everyone seems to know this one. I have one identical to it. It is an Incense burner.
Sorry late popping over. Yes I would have said an incense burner. Makes a change me being right.
Thanks Hermione.
What's an incense burner? Just kidding, except I can't figure out by looking how it works. I thought it looked like a wooden crowbar that you pry things open with--however I didn't want to go any further into that thought!
Before I read the other comments, here's mine. Blast from the past, I had this exact incense burner when I was a teenager. Well, still do... it's just across the room. I love incense.
Of course, now I know its OTHER fun uses, too. Hehe, I'm not as much of a wee one as I was in those days.
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