What a wonderful time I've had, blogging and meeting other like-minded bloggers. Over the years, we have had our ups and down together. There have been happy and sad times, and we've laughed and cried together. Old friends have disappeared or retired, and new friends have joined our ever-widening circle.
I still enjoy blogging about spanking, and I can't wait to see what the coming year will bring. Looking back over the past six years, I see how the blog has changed and evolved. With apologies to A.A. Milne, I think this poem sums it up.
When my blog was one,Thank you all, dear readers, for joining me in year seven of our journey together.
I had just begun.
When Heart was two,
it was nearly new.
When it reached three,
I was really finding me.
When it turned four,
I discovered so much more.
When it became five,
I really came alive.
Now Hermione's Heart is six,
But I'm not done,
So hold on for seven,
The best is yet to come.

Hi Hermione, happy Birthday to you, that's great, so many bloggers come and go, nice that you have stayed the distance
love Jan.xx
Thank Hermione for years of fun and interesting posts. And, thank you so much for all you do for this community including much needed technical support.
Most of all thank you for being a good friend.
Love the poem, it is A+ worthy. Congrats on six years, we are lucky to have you here!
hugs abby
Happy blogiversary! Your posts always put a smile on my face!
Hugs DF
Fantastic! Wonderful! I am so happy for you and look forward to 7!!!
Hermione congrats from Tim for a nice spanky blog ,love and friendly spanks.
Happy 6th hermione! Thanks for all you do!
Jan - I have no desire to stop anytime soon.
Joey - I'm always glad to lend a hand with Blogger woes.
Abby - You're very sweet!
DelFonte - I'm so glad to hear taht.
Minelle - Thank you.
Tim - I love spanks, especially the friendly ones.
Chickadee - It's always my pleasure.
Happy, happy, mature professional woman. Hope you a great day.
Congratulations! Wow, how time flies! :-) I remember back when in the beginning... :-) Hugs to you!
Great blog, Hermione. I'll always find time to drop in.
Congratulations on six years of blogging. I can't imagine blogland without you. Thanks for sticking with and standing by us.
6 years, congratulations.
You are a very special friend to us here in blogland. Thank you for all the help you give so freely.
Congratulations, and thanks for such a great blog.
Bogey - Thanks, I'm sure I will!
Terps - Yeah, it seems such a long time ago, in some ways, but in others, it's like it was yesterday.
Rollin - You are always most welcome here.
Sunny - Thank you.
Ronnie - I'm always happy to help. And you are very special too.
Anon - It's my pleasure.
Happy blog birthday! I remember when you very first started, can't believe it's been 6 years already. Hopefully you get a fun birthday spanking since you can't spank a blog :-)
Congratulations and happy birthday for your blog. Your blog is great, I love it.
Happy sixth blogiversary, I hope that you are still enjoying your blog as much as we are.
Yayy, Hermione! Happy 6th and congratulations. ♥
Happy Anniversary and I hope the blog keeps giving you as much fun as it gives us
Wow! Six years is awesome! Congratulations on your blogiversary and I hope there will be many many more. Thanks for always being so thoughtful, kind, and helpful.
hugs and love
Congratulations Hermione! :)) xx
Congrats on 6 years! The poem is fun!
Congratulations Hermione. And SIX OF THE BEST to you. You have for me been ONE of a KIND. And the very best of such KIND. Your BLOG IS TOPS, I am sure just like your VOLUPTOUS BARE BOTTOM.
Happy Blog-Birthday!!!
Congratulations, and I am certain this should be rewarded with six of the best with a cane... always being up for new experiences... hopefully
bottoms up
Hermione, you do a very good blog. Keep up the good work for another six.
Cute poem Hermione! Congratulations on six years...hope we are lucky enough to keep you for many more!
Hugs and Blessings...
Congrats. ... many more years....
Hi Hermione, I'm sorry I am so late to this, playing catch up in blogland.
Congratulations on 6 years blogging! I hope there are many more! I always enjoy visiting here and your fun, interesting post.
Happy 6 years!!
I love your blog! Thanks for all you do!
Thank you, dear heart, for those six wonderful years, you have helped many bloggers along the way. You are a national treasure to us all. xx
Kind regards,
River - Time sure flies when you're having fun!
Nina - Thank you.
Prefectdt - Yes, I am still enjoying it, and I'm glad you are too.
Erica - Thank you, dear sister.
Don - I hope so too.
Sara - I try to help whenever I can.
Thisgirl - Thank you.
Zoe - Glad you enjoyed it.
Six - Such flattery! You are too kind.
Fiona - Thank you!
Red - I'll settle for six of the best with whatever is handy.
Baxter - I'll make that my goal.
Cat - I 'll do my best.
houston_switch - Thank you.
Roz - You're never too late - I'm just early:)
Tia - It's my pleasure.
Gary - You're so sweet. Thank you.
Sliding in here to say Many Congrats on 6 years in the land, to you Hermione and thanks for all you do here!! :) Wishing you many more wonderful years ahead.
I think that AA Milne would probably be quite proud to read the new blogland edition of Now We Are Six! I love those poems. Well done. Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Congratulations on 6 great years!
Katie - I'm glad you liked the revised version of the poem.
Dan - Thank you.
Gratitude expressed can never be considered tardy, correct? Well, at least that is what I like to believe.
Just saw your post. Congratulations and Thank You for everything.
I am amazed by the consistent quality content you create. Amazing.
Enzo - Thank you so much. That is high praise indeed!
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