Catherine: In our home, hubby determines when to spank, for whatever the reason. However, there are times when I simply have "a need" I am learning to ask if this is the case, but the final decision is up to him.
Florida Dom: I decide when and how long to spank my girl, but she is allowed to give input. She told me she likes short, hard hand spankings as compared to ones with flogger or riding crop. So I give her more hand spankings now. But I use the flogger and crop on occasion.
And thanks for keeping Bonnie's brunch going.
FD, it's my pleasure!
Abby: It is usually Master's decision. I can ask, and He will usually agree. I do not get to pick what He spanks with or for how long.
River: For us, if Ash decides a spanking is going to happen, then it happens. He chooses the when, where, and implement. Sometimes I beg for something different, but he had the final say. I am allowed and encouraged to ask for a spanking when I feel the need. He says he loves it when I come to him with that request, but I really hate asking for it!
Dan: It is usually my wife who initiates. I have been thinking lately, however, that I need to be more vocal in expressing when I think I deserve one or need the penance of a spanking to make up for some bad act or failing. Instead, I tend to just get frustrated that she isn't taking command as much as I would ideally like. I know some people see asking for it as "topping from below," but I don't buy into that. Relationships are an exchange, and both parties need to be able to communicate what they need and want.
Nina: Hubby decides when a spanking is due, though I can also ask for one and since I don't do that just for fun, but more when I really need it, he usually complies. Nevertheless, the final decision on these matters is always his alone.
Autumn: Since we are so new at this, I am usually the one to *hint* at wanting a spanking, although that's not to say he doesn't ever initiate them. It's so thrilling when he does, and they usually take me completely by surprise. I have no problem with subtly asking for a spanking if I need one, although, like most here, I don't like to have to come right out and ask.
Fiona: While Sir will spank when and where and how he so desires, he's also always said I can ask for one whenever I need it as well. I sometimes struggle to ask for a spanking, but I'm getting better!
Rose: I usually ask. There have been a few that Dragon initiated but that isn't the norm. He sets the tone and picks out implements. Once I am in position, he is in control.
Country Spanker: I am the one that decides when Mrs CS deserves a spanking, but she is very clever and often points me in the right direction without me realising. That's another reason why I love her so.
Sir Wendel: It all depends on the moment. Normally I am the one that decides she needs a spanking. Once in a while she will recommend I spank her for misbehaving. For the “Girls' Nights Out” I know the paddle is coming to ensure I behave while she is out.
Dr. Ken: Not in a relationship right now, but when I was, she could ask for one (or instigate one), or I could take the initiative. There was no set rule in the that regard.
Arched one: We are in agreement with most others. She decides when it's time to spank, but if I feel I need spanking to clear my thought process I can ask for one. When a spanking is going to happen, I lay out all the implements and she picks what she wants to spank with and for how long and the position my bottom is presented in.
Bogey: No masters or subs here, so we do it both ways. One of us can decide to paddle the other or one of us can ask for a paddling. We pick the paddled we want used on us.
S: When D decides he wants to spank or I need a spanking, that's it; I get one, like it or not ! Sometimes my bottom tells me that it needs to be spanked, and I know just how to provoke and tease him until, "Right, young lady, you have been asking for a spanking, so now you're going to get one", and I quickly find myself bent over with my rear end getting the come-uppance it has asked for.
Joey: When I Top, I initiate the spanking 95% of the time. I know how hard it is to ask so I initiate the spanking. Several times I have been asked to do a special scene and I always oblige the female bottom.
As a bottom, I almost always ask female Tops to play with me. Almost 95% of the time, I must wait for them to choose when they want to spank me.
Baxter: I am the spanko in our marriage. I initiate probably 99% of the time by asking R for a spanking or telling R that I need a spanking. Once we were sitting at the lunch table and I asked R if she would spank me and after she rolled her eyes, I took her by the hand and went to her workshop, handed her the paddle, bared my bottom and she spanked me. So yes I initiate it but control conveys to R and the result is a spanking with her choice of belt, paddle or spoon. I am a happy spanko husband.
Minelle: Spanking usually happens when he decides, however I 'strongly' hint when I could use some attention!
Sunny Girl: I have to say I ask more than he initiates. Once the spanking has commenced though, he takes charge.
Ronnie: P decides when, where and how I get spanked but any time I feel in need of a little extra attention, I can ask.
Wilma: Barney decides, although I am about as transparent as glass. We talk often after the fact about what implements have what affects on me. His big line is "after all if it isn't working why bother?"
To answer your question about asking. I am not only allowed but encouraged. In truth I have only asked once (by handing him a paddle in tears) and another time he asked me if I needed one, (I suppose that was almost like me asking because he gave me the illusion anyway that I was in control).
During r/a he will sometimes ask how I am doing, but during a punishment...he is in complete control.
Enzo: I am the spanker and always initiate and decide when and where a spanking is due. I would have no problem with her asking for one, in fact I often times wish she would as that would be very hot.
Since the majority of spankings are "disciplinary" in nature, I understand why she doesn't. However she did remind me once when I forgot to give her one and was becoming distracted with her beauty.
RonJon: Being the spanko I tell the Mrs. when I need a good spanking. Most times I have been in a grouchy mood and know I deserve it. I hand her the belt and she takes over from there. We always use a belt but I would to find a good flogger. Anyone know where I could buy one?
Cane-iac has some very good ones.
Hermione: Ron usually decides when a spanking will happen, and I like it that way. I always have the ability to ask for one if I feel in need of some stress relief, but I usually wait for him to take the lead.
That was a great discussion. See you all next week: same bat-time, same bat-channel!

1 comment:
late to the party...usually it is me begging, I mean asking ;-) though sometimes he will initiate and I love that even more :-)
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