Leigh: My husband spanked me yesterday and told me I could expect to be spanked anytime I was 'naughty'. What can I do?
Ronnie: He spanked you? No! You let him? what was it like, did it hurt?
The girls couldn't decide who was first to be spanked at tonight's fest party.
Simon: The weekly meeting of the town's cross-dressing society was well under way when Simon realised to his horror that his new dress didn't fit.
Katie: Anyone want to trade husbands? Mine just discovered the joy of spanking and I simply can't seem to behave!
Prefectdt: Gloria had to admit that Sue was right. Women only strip off in groups like this when either there is no chance that a man could see them or in glossy, full page advertisements.
Red: The lady in the red blouse has just stated, "All right ladies, you know the routine, when you do not have the rent money! Strip down to your bra and panties, and then I will lower your panties for the nice wooden hair brush, as your rears are going to be sore and red for being in arrears on your rent. Remember, you better have the money by tomorrow, or my husband will enjoy repeating your spankings.
Six of the best: These naughty ladies told each other how they were spanked. "My bare bum felt the cane," said one. "I tasted a birch rod," said another. "It was the paddle for me," said another. "Over the knee, for a good hand spanking," said the last of the quartet of females.
Baxter: Well, I think they are bitching about their husbands/boyfriends/fiances.
'Ya know, my husband ticks me off all the time. I am thinking of spanking him.'
'I know what you mean; I spank my boyfriend all the time; almost thinks he likes it.'
'My old man came home drunk again last night and I wailed on him but good with HIS belt.'
'My boyfriend is perfect in every way and I would never spank him.'
The other three say "BOOOOOOOOOO".
Measha: Lady #1 Do you think our husbands suspect anything?
Lady #2 No, but if they did, mine would tan my hide but good.
Lady #3 They won't find out. How could they...unless one of us tells.
Lady #4 I won't tell. My husband would be furious...because I didn't take pictures!
Arched one: Then it's settled, ladies. All of our husbands have been acting up and deserved to be spanked. We meet here tomorrow with our husbands and take turns spanking each and every one of them.
Mr and Mrs B: And do you know what lesbians do?
Hermione: Lady sitting on the bed: "Are you sure that's what will happen on our wedding night?"
Lady at left: "We've all been through it."
Lady in bra: "It's not so bad. You'll get used to it."
Lady in red: "My dear, when he puts you over his knee and paddles you hard, you will finally know what it is to be a woman."
Thanks for having fun with me. Please do stay for brunch, now being served in the next post.

1 comment:
Thanks Hermione! These were fun to read. :) Many hugs,
<3 Katie
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